Spring Boot + Spring MVC + Spring Security + MySQL

Gustavo Ponce
4 min readNov 17, 2016


Important → The code has been updated to support Spring Boot 2.2.2, java 11, implement UserDetailService strategy and resolve minor/major issues (January 16, 2020).

GitHub / Code

This tutorial will show you how to implement a Login process using the following tech stack:

  • Spring Boot(2.2.2)
  • Spring Security
  • Spring MVC
  • JPA
  • Thymeleaf
  • Lombok
  • MySQL
  • Bootstrap (UI Presentation)
  • Maven
  • Eclipse / IntelliJ
  • Java 11
  • Packaging (JAR)


  • MySQL database with the name “login”
  • Install Lombok plugin on Eclipse/IntelliJ

Project Creation

First, let’s use the Spring initializer page to create our maven project with the dependencies listed below.

  1. Go to → https://start.spring.io/
  2. Leave everything as it is and select the following dependencies: Security, Web, Security, JPA, MySQL, Thymeleaf and Lombok.

Click on Generate Project button to download the maven project (demo.zip file).

Import Project into Eclipse or IntelliJ

  1. Unzip the zip file.
  2. Import into Eclipse as “Existing Maven Project
  3. Choose the root directory of the project generated (where the pom.xml file is located) and click on Finish.

Eclipse (Import Project)

IntelliJ(Open Project)

Project Structure Generated

Model Creation

Now let´s create our model classes called User and Role(Entity classes). Lombok is a very useful library used to generate boilerplate code manly for model/data objects.


This class includes validations based on the validations provided by Hibernate.


Data Layer (JPA Repositories)

The repositories allow us to access the information stored in the database.



Service Layer

Now let´s create our service layer. We will inject the UserRepository, RoleRepository and the BCryptPasswordEncoder into UserService .


MyUserDetailsService (*Important one)

Unit Test (Service Layer)

Configuration File


This class is where the security logic is implemented.

application.properties file


  • Update with your Database credentials.

If you want to see the complete reference of the application.properties file, please refer to the next page.

Controller Layer

MVC Logic

By default Spring Boot defines the view resolver in the following way.

  • Prefix → resources/templates
  • Suffix → html

Note: if you want to implement a custom view resolver you can do it using the application.properties file or a java configuration file.

View Layer



SQL Scripts


This script will be executed every time the application is launched if you need more roles please include them in this file.

Note: By default Spring Boot will create the database structure if you have provided in the right way your MySQL credentials in the application.properties file.

Register new user



User Registration

As you can see the password has been stored with a Hash algorithm due we have implemented the BCryptPasswordEncoder in our AuthenticationManagerBuilder.

Login Process


Login Fail

Login Success


If you want to run the project from a docker container please use the following commands or refer the readme file from the github repository.

  1. mvn clean install
  2. docker build — tag login-tutorial .
  3. docker run — net=host login-tutorial

Note: it will wok only in Linux since “ — net=host” docker argument is not supported by Windows and MacOSx

That’s all folks, as you can see we have implemented a Login process from scratch including password hash strategy. BTW never store passwords in plain text.

If you have any questions or feedback don’t hesitate to write your thoughts in the comments/responses section.

For issues related to code, feel free please create an issue directly in GitHub repository.

