Vue.js 3 and other top news from Q&A event with core Vue devs

4 min readSep 21, 2017


The Q&A session with core Vue.js developers took part at Hashnode yesterday, ten days before the anniversary of Vue 2 official release. Here’s a summary of the most important news from the event.

I recommend full lecture of the original answers, since the guys addressed an impressive number of questions. Some responses, especially those by Thorsten Lünborg, provided highly interesting personal insight that deserves to be read and taken to heart by the whole Vue community.

Vue 2.5 planned for early October

Hero of the most short-term news is of course Vue 2.5. The biggest change that will come with this release is an update to Typescript support, that brings the experience in .vue files closer to what we can achieve with class-based components.

Core library and guide for unit testing

Around the same time we should also see a new guide for unit testing, using the vue-test-utils library, written by the author of avoriaz, Edd Yerburgh. While the package is still in beta, we can already see how it works thanks to Edd’s recent tutorial “Write simple unit tests with Vue Test Utils and Jest”.

Style guide and ESLint plugin

Official style guide is one of things frequently asked for by new Vue developers on chatrooms and in other places. Now it’s almost ready and should soon become a part of main docs. What’s more, it will be released together with ESLint plugin, previously available only unofficially.

You can check the Github repository for details. All the guidelines are divided into four levels based on priority:

  • essential (preventing errors)
  • strongly recommended (improving readability)
  • recommended (to minimize arbitrary choices)
  • to use with caution (patterns with potential negative side effects)

It’s up to you to decide which level will fit your project’s needs and your coding preferences. Remember there’s a fine community maintained Vue.js Component Style Guide available too.

Vue cookbook and package recommendations

This is another great news. What will the cookbook contain? Guillame Chau explains: “We are currently working on a Cookbook that will feature recommended libraries and code examples for several use cases”.

It should especially nicely go with Guillame’s Vue Curated website, containing official core dev team’s package recommendations from the broad Vue ecosystem.

Vue 3 on the horizon

While people who follow Github issues were already hinted about it in a few places, for the first time we’ve got official informations about plans for Vue 3 release, which I think we can safely assume will come in 2018.

Don’t worry, it won’t be as big of a change as it was between Vue 1 and 2 — the plan is to keep the public API as close to Vue 2 as it’s possible, with an easy and clear upgrade path.

There will be a cost though. Vue 3 will drop support for Internet Explorer (up to 11, not Edge), which was preventing the developers from making a lot of upgrades due to compatibility issues and never fixed bugs of older browsers.

This move lets Vue to improve performance and drop the size of the library. The main changes will touch the reactivity system, which will get a complete overhaul, using ES2015 Proxies. That means getting rid of all quirks and limitations of the current system, for example regarding reactive updates to arrays by key or adding new properties. Writing this.someArray[someKey] = someValue will be finally safe now.

For those who can’t lose the support for older browsers Vue 2 will be still maintained in parallel, with a promise of feature parity. This means that Vue 2 will still get new Vue 3 features until compatibility with older browsers is no longer necessary.

Vue-cli gets a rewrite too

Another news that was already known to part of the community is a planned rewrite of Vue-cli. Among the changes, we’ll finally be able to update the template without having to create a new project. Feel free to take part in the conversation in Github issue, with the list of most important problems and potential solutions.

VueConf events expand to other continents

We had two conferences called VueConf in 2017. One primarily for Chinese audience in Beijing, China and another for English speaking developers in Wrocław, Poland.

The upcoming Vue.js London event won’t be the only one for 2018 either — VueConf brand is going to expand worldwide, with branches such as VueConf EU, VueConf US and others.

Finally, a public roadmap

When will we get all these goodies? What else will be in plans in the future? Until now it wasn’t easy to find out about such news. Luckily, there are plans to change it. As Evan You reveals, “we are planning to setup a public roadmap so that developers can get a better hold of the things we are working on”.

Personally, I can’t wait for all of that. How about you?

If you want to know more, read all questions and answers on the event’s page at Hashnode.

