Interview with The Minotaur

The Athenaeum
Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2015


As a new writer on Medium, I thought I would start with some old dreck. Sorry about that, but until I figure out how Medium is screwing us I don’t want to put the grade-A lulz up here. This is what we used to call “repurposed content,” which means I wrote it for somebody else. The good news is, it never got read on the other website either! In fact, if you are reading this, you may be the first person, other than myself, to have ever read it. That’s kind of like leading the Charge of the Light Brigade. You’re a hero!

Gutbloom: Thank you very much for meeting me here. (we are sitting in the steam room of a gym in Chelsea). I thought that an interview with a minotaur might spark some interest in my new Medium account… you know “get some traction”.

Minotaur: Do you have my fee?

Gutbloom: The…. ah… seven “youths”?

Minotaur: Yea, where are they?

Gutbloom: They’re in a dungeon under a garage on Long Island. (Editor’s note: I lied, I had no kids to sacrifice, but sometimes you have to
bend the rules a bit for a scoop like this.)

Minotaur: Excellent. That works well. I live on Long Island.

Gutbloom: Somehow I already knew that. Where do you live?



The Athenaeum

Tribune of Medium. Mayor Emeritus of LiveJournal. Third Pharaoh of the Elusive Order of St. John the Dwarf. I am to Medium what bratwurst is to food.