When Should I Take Probiotic Tablets & How Many Per Day?

Gut Foundation
5 min readNov 24, 2023
When Should I Take Probiotic Tablets & How Many Per Day?

Many people are curious about the optimal ways to include probiotics in their daily routine to reap the maximum health benefits. As gut health garners more attention, it’s important to understand the intricacies of probiotic consumption.

Join us on a journey to explore the world of probiotics, including the ideal timing and quantity for consumption, as well as the remarkable health advantages they provide.

Why Probiotics Matter in India

India is a country full of vibrant and diverse lifestyles, where spicy foods, varied cuisines, and fluctuating weather patterns can all take a toll on our digestive health.

However, there is a solution to this problem — probiotics. These natural supplements offer a highly effective way to maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria, ensuring optimal digestive functioning and overall wellness.

The Basics: What Are Probiotics?

Probiotics are a type of microorganisms that are live and offer various health benefits to the host when consumed in sufficient quantities. They are typically found in fermented foods such as yoghurt, kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut.

Probiotics work by improving the balance of good bacteria in the gut and reducing harmful bacteria, which can lead to a healthier digestive system and improved overall health.

Furthermore, they can also help boost the immune system and prevent and treat certain medical conditions such as diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome, and urinary tract infections.

Types of Probiotics

Probiotics come in different strains, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, each offering distinct benefits to one’s health.

Lactobacillus, for instance, is known for promoting gut health and boosting the immune system, while Bifidobacterium is associated with reducing inflammation and improving digestion.

Natural Probiotics vs. Probiotic Supplements

Probiotic Foods

One of the best ways to promote a healthy gut is by introducing natural probiotics into your diet. These can include delicious and nutritious foods such as yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi, which are all rich in beneficial bacteria that can help maintain a balanced and healthy digestive system.


Probiotics are essential for maintaining good gut health, but if your diet is lacking in probiotic-rich foods, supplements can be a convenient alternative. You can find these supplements in various forms, such as tablets, capsules, and powders, making it easy to choose the one that best suits your lifestyle and preferences.

Understanding the Gut Microbiota

Gut Health

The microbiota in the gut is important for digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune function. Probiotics help to maintain this delicate balance.

Gut Probiotics in India

Given the diversity of Indian dietary habits, understanding the impact of probiotics on the gut becomes even more important for maintaining overall health.

When to Take Probiotics: Timing Matters

Before Meals

Taking probiotics about 30 minutes before meals can help them survive the acidic stomach environment and make it to the intestines intact.

With Meals

Some people prefer to take probiotics with meals to avoid stomach upset. This adaptability enables you to select what works best for your digestive system.

How Many Probiotics Per Day: Finding Your Balance

Probiotic Dosage for Adults

The ideal dosage varies from person to person. Aim for at least 1 billion CFUs (colony-forming units) per day as a general guideline, gradually increasing based on individual responses.

Gradual Introduction

Start with a low dose and gradually increase to allow your body to adjust if you’re new to probiotics.

Probiotic Supplements in India: Navigating the Options

Best Probiotic Supplement in India

In a market that is overflowing with options, it can be challenging to determine which products are the best. One approach is to search for products that offer a wide variety of strains and an adequate number of colony-forming units (CFUs).

By doing so, you can ensure that the product provides a diverse range of beneficial bacteria that can support your health and well-being.

Probiotic Drinks and Milk

In recent times, the consumption of probiotic drinks and milk has been on the rise due to their numerous health benefits. Apart from providing probiotics, they also offer hydration and essential nutrients that are necessary for maintaining a healthy body.

Health Benefits of Probiotics: Beyond Digestion

Digestive Harmony

The consumption of probiotics promotes the growth of good bacteria in the gut, which is beneficial in maintaining an optimal balance of gut microflora. This, in turn, helps to ease common digestive issues such as bloating, flatulence, and indigestion.

Immune Boost

Within the body, the gut plays a crucial role in supporting the immune system. By introducing beneficial bacteria, known as probiotics, the immune system can operate effectively and reduce the likelihood of infections occurring.

Mood and Mind Connection

Recent studies have shown that there exists a correlation between the health of our gut and our mental well-being. It has been suggested that taking probiotics may aid in the preservation of our mental health.
Prebiotics Can Help as Well

If you’re looking to improve your gut health, it’s important to understand the types of probiotics available and how they can benefit you. One type of probiotic supplement that can be helpful is prebiotics, which are fibres that can’t be digested by the body but instead serve as a food source for the beneficial bacteria in your gut.

By incorporating foods high in prebiotics into your diet, you can help nourish and support the growth of these good bacteria, which can, in turn, lead to better gut health and overall well-being.

Best Time to Take Probiotics: A Personalized Approach

Morning or Night

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Some people prefer to take probiotics in the morning for an energetic start, while others prefer to take them in the evening.

Consistency is Key

Regardless of when you consume probiotics, consistency is essential for reaping the long-term benefits.

As you explore the world of probiotics, it’s important to keep in mind that everyone’s body reacts differently. Take the time to listen to your body’s signals, experiment with different timings and dosages, and find what works best for you.

Whether you choose to incorporate probiotic-rich foods into your diet or take supplements, the ultimate goal is to achieve a healthy gut, which is a vital component of overall well-being. Making probiotics a regular part of your daily routine can lead to numerous health benefits and contribute to a healthier, happier life.

In a country like India, where ancient traditions intertwine with modern lifestyles, embracing the power of probiotics can be the key to unlocking a healthier you. So, take the first step towards improving your gut health and savour the journey towards overall well-being!

Must read:- How Does Gut Bacteria Supercharge Your Metabolism

More information:- Gut foundation



Gut Foundation

The objective of the Gut Foundation is to provide a thrust to the science of Gut Microbiota and Probiotics in the country, channelize International knowledge.