How to Create Custom Skyboxes in Unity

Chad Gutterman
2 min readAug 27, 2022


objective: demonstrate how to create custom skyboxes in Unity.

There are four custom skybox types in Unity. Since you cannot change the default skybox, you need to add a custom skybox to make changes. To do this you first need to create a custom material.

click the plus sign at the top left corner of the projects tab. Click the material option in the drop-down menu. Click on the new material and select procedural in the shader box.

Now you should have the customizable options that come with the custom skybox.

The next skybox is the six sides skybox. From the shader option in the inspector, click on skybox, then 6 sided.

Here is where you need custom artwork for the skyboxes. Place the corresponding skybox to the correct option to generate the skybox.

This is the cubemap skybox. Go back to shader, skybox, then cubemap for this one. Once again, you need custom artwork for this one. Select your cubemap and place it in the cubemap spot.

The last type of skybox is the panoramic skybox. Again, select the shader option in the inspector, then skybox, then panoramic. Put your custom artwork in the spherical slot.

