Understanding Your Gut Heath: A Stool Test with the Bristol Stool Chart & Other Parameters.

Gut Wellness Club
5 min readJul 22, 2024


It’s important to pay attention to any changes in your bowel movements, as they can provide valuable insights into your overall health. Keeping an eye on the color and consistency of your stool can help catch any potential issues early. Remember, your stool can be a key indicator of your well-being, so don’t hesitate to seek medical advice if you notice any changes.

The Bristol Stool Chart, also referred to as the Bristol Stool Form Scale, is a tool used in the medical field to categorise human faeces into seven different groups. It is commonly used by healthcare providers to evaluate and identify different gastrointestinal issues by analysing the look and texture of stools.

The Seven Types of Stool as per Bristol Stool Chart

Type 1: Separate hard lumps, like nuts (difficult to pass)

  • Indicates severe constipation.

Type 2: Sausage-shaped but lumpy

  • Suggests mild constipation.

Type 3: Like a sausage but with cracks on its surface

  • Considered normal but could indicate a tendency towards constipation.

Type 4: Like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft

  • Represents the ideal stool, indicating healthy digestion.

Type 5: Soft blobs with clear-cut edges (passed easily)

  • May indicate a lack of fibre in the diet.

Type 6: Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mushy stool

  • Signifies mild diarrhoea.

Type 7: Watery, no solid pieces, entirely liquid

  • Indicates severe diarrhoea.

Importance of the Bristol Stool Chart

Diagnostic Tool:

  • Constipation and Diarrhoea: The chart is useful for identifying conditions like constipation (Types 1 and 2) and diarrhoea (Types 6 and 7). Healthcare providers can customise treatments based on the type of stool for better results.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Utilising the Bristol Stool Chart can be particularly advantageous for those with IBS, as it assists in pinpointing the predominant bowel pattern (constipation-dominant, diarrhoea-dominant, or mixed).
  • Malabsorption and Infection: Variations in stool texture and shape may suggest problems with nutrient absorption or infections in the digestive system, leading to the need for more thorough examination.

Monitoring Digestive Health:

  • Diet and Hydration: Using the Bristol Stool Chart regularly can help you keep track of how your diet and hydration are impacting your bowel movements. If you’re not getting enough fibre, you might see Type 1 or 2 stools, but with a good amount of fibre and water, you should be seeing Type 4 stools.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Keeping track of stool types can be useful in evaluating how well lifestyle changes like more exercise, dietary modifications, and stress-relief methods are working.
  • Patient-Doctor Communication:

Clarity and Precision: By using the chart, patients can easily explain their stool characteristics to healthcare providers, leading to better communication. This standardised approach is crucial for accurate diagnosis and successful treatment.

  • Early Detection of Health Issues:

Chronic Conditions:By consistently monitoring your stool using the Bristol Stool Chart, you may be able to detect chronic gastrointestinal conditions like Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and colorectal cancer sooner rather than later.

Preventive Measures: Identifying unusual stool patterns early on allows for quick action, which could help stop the development of more severe health problems.

Explore more on evacuation health


Let us now examine different stool indicators that demonstrate the optimal status of your gut health.

A healthy bowel movement is characterised by well-defined shape, and ease of passage. It should maintain a smooth, sausage-like form, avoiding extremes of hardness or softness. Consistent stools that meet these criteria are typically associated with good digestive well-being.

A healthy defecation usually carries a gentle, earthy scent that is not overly offensive. Although a certain level of odour is normal, extremely foul-smelling faeces may be a sign of dietary issues or digestive disorders. Consistent, moderately scented bowel movements typically indicate a well-functioning digestive system.

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A healthy poop is usually a dark yellowish to brown colour, indicating proper digestion and bile production. Variations can occur due to diet, but consistently pale, black, or red stools may signal underlying health issues. Maintaining a balanced diet typically supports healthy stool colour.

What if you see blood streaks or bloody mucus in your stools?

The presence of blood streaks or bloody mucus in stools can be concerning as it may be indicative of various underlying health conditions. Common culprits include haemorrhoids or anal fissures, often a result of straining during bowel movements. More severe conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which encompasses Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, can also lead to blood in stools due to inflammation and ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract. Gastrointestinal infections, diverticulosis, and colorectal cancer are other potential factors that necessitate immediate medical assessment. Infections may manifest as bloody diarrhoea, while diverticulosis can result in significant bleeding. Colorectal cancer may be characterised by persistent bleeding, requiring urgent medical attention. If you observe blood in your stools, it is imperative to seek advice from a healthcare provider to identify the underlying cause and receive appropriate care.


Observing your stool daily and monitoring its characteristics is a vital practice for maintaining overall health. Changes in colour, consistency, and frequency can be early indicators of digestive issues or more serious health conditions, such as infections, inflammatory diseases, or gastrointestinal bleeding. By keeping track of these changes, you can catch potential problems early and seek medical advice promptly, leading to more effective treatment. Regular monitoring also helps you understand your body’s response to different foods, medications, and lifestyle changes, enabling you to make informed decisions about your diet and health habits. Ultimately, this simple daily check can contribute significantly to long-term well-being and prevent complications before they arise.

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