Moving on

Guy Levin
4 min readApr 6, 2016


tl;dr: After two brilliant years, I’m stepping down as Executive Director of Coadec, and am thrilled to be joining Uber’s policy research team next month.

We’re looking for an entrepreneurial policy wonk to take over running Coadec, if that could be you, check out the role and apply here.

(Update: Applications for the role have now closed)

Just over two years ago, I joined Coadec and relaunched the UK’s only policy advocacy organisation focused exclusively on digital startups. It has been a brilliant experience, and I’m incredibly proud of the impact that Coadec has had.

Some personal highlights include:

I’m incredibly grateful to Jeff Lynn (co-founder of Seedrs, and former Chair of Coadec) who hired me, Alex Depledge (co-founder of and current Chair of Coadec), and to the whole Coadec Steering Committee for all their support. Without the backing of these amazing leaders from across the startup community, Coadec wouldn’t exist.

Similarly I owe a huge thanks to all of the entrepreneurs, investors, and people from across the community, who have given up their time and efforts to support Coadec, from explaining their policy challenges, to signing an open letter.

After two amazing years, I’ve decided it’s the right time to move on to a new challenge, and I’m thrilled to be joining the policy research team at Uber, based in Amsterdam. For someone fascinated by the intersection of technology and society, I’m excited to join a company where I can have an impact on some of the biggest policy issues of the new economy.

I may write more about moving on in a future post, but for now the most important thing is to find someone awesome to take over the reins as Coadec’s Executive Director. I’m stepping down in mid-May, so we’re keen to find someone soon.

If you think you fit the bill, or know someone who does, feel free to drop me a line (, or apply online at Workable here.

Full job description below

Executive Director, Coadec

(An entrepreneurial digital policy wonk)

About Coadec

Coadec is the policy voice of the UK’s digital startups. A non-profit advocacy group, Coadec was founded by tech entrepreneurs to represent digital startups and help make better policy for the digital economy.

We run campaigns (eg recently on immigration), host events, make policy submissions to government, and lobby policymakers.

Coadec is run by an Executive Director, supported by a volunteer Steering Committee made up of tech leaders (Alex Depledge (Chair), Jeff Lynn, Mike Butcher, Lloyd Price, Alasdair McPherson, Martin Rigby, Pratik Sampat, and Paul Smith)

About the role

We are looking for a new Executive Director to take over the running of Coadec, building on its growing position as the go-to voice for UK startup policy. This is a highly entrepreneurial role that will be suitable for someone who wants the challenges and rewards of leading all aspects of a high-profile, community-based organisation working at the forefront of digital policy. This would also include raising sponsorship, and potentially building and managing a team.


Entrepreneurial and a self-starter: You would be responsible for all elements of Coadec’s work, and operate largely on your own (although with guidance and support from the Steering Committee and Chair).

Excited about startups and digital policy: You need to be interested and able to get up to speed quickly on the latest startup and tech policy issues (including the impact of Brexit, the Investigatory Powers Bill, the Digital Single Market etc).

Good understanding of Westminster, Whitehall (and ideally Brussels): You would be responsible for setting policy priorities, researching key issues, and crafting advocacy campaigns (including submissions to government consultations and Manifestos).

Fundraising: Coadec is funded through corporate sponsorship, with past sponsors including Google, Intuit, Yahoo, TechHub, iHorizon, Facebook, Arqiva and the BCS. You would be responsible for maintaining existing relationships with sponsors and raising additional sponsorship to pay for Coadec’s work.

A great advocate: You will be lobbying policymakers and act as a media spokesperson on tech policy issues, so it’s vital you can explain policy arguments simply and effectively.

Ideally you would have 3–7 years experience working in a field linked to politics, such as in parliament, government, public affairs, think tanks, or in the private sector. Experience working with digital startups or on tech policy would be a bonus.

The role is based in London, at TechHub at Campus.

Apply on Workable here.

(Update: Applications for the role have now closed)



Guy Levin

Public policy @Uber. Interested in policy, tech and foreign affairs. Previously: @Coadec, @DFID_UK, @DCMS