This “Lotion” Changed My Combination Acne-Prone Skin Forever

An absolute hidden gem for dehydrated skin.

3 min readMay 8, 2023
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Hi, there! If you clicked on this article, make sure to read it through! And If you like this article, then show me some love and buy me a coffee!

If there is one skincare product that I can describe as life-changing, it would be the Clinique Turnaround Revitalizing Lotion. And yet, I bet you haven’t heard of this product. No huge launch campaign, no aggressive influencer marketing, no viral moments to speak of.

I found this product while I was having an angry bout of breakouts. My skin was red and inflamed. I was in a phase where I thought stripping my skin was the best way to combat acne. So, I made friends with Fairy liquid-y, foaming face washes. The closest I came to hydrating my skin at the time was facial mist (because I had to do something to get rid of the dry, tight feeling post-washing). And as one can imagine, this did nothing to calm my breakouts. And the cold, snowy winters further dried out my skin.

It is a shame that this product was never a bestseller.

It was then that I decided to actually listen to my skin. My skin felt dehydrated and angry. It was practically screaming for moisture. After combing through the interwebs, anxiously looking through ingredient lists and X-ing out the moment I found “oil”, I stumbled upon Clinique’s Turnaround Revitalizing Lotion on Sephora. In the ingredients, I saw something I had never heard of: “Lactobacillus Ferment helps calm the look of irritated skin”. Perfect, that’s literally what I needed. It also had sodium hyaluronate, caffeine and a bunch of other promising ingredients; no oil. So I clicked “buy”, it came in the mail a week later, I used it before going to bed and the next morning, my breakouts had reduced significantly and my skin was no longer red. I used it again for a couple of nights in a row. My skin continued to improve, my breakouts got smaller and eventually, disappeared.

I realized that this was what I needed all along: hydration. My skin was so dry and irritated, it made it that much harder for my breakouts to heal. This product changed my core outlook towards my skin (and subsequently my skin itself) forever; I was no longer afraid of hydrators/moisturizers.

This product comes in a large, blue-tinted bottle, however, the product itself is colorless. Also, labelling this product a “lotion” is misleading. This product has a watery gel-like consistency, which makes it more reminiscent of a serum.

It is a shame that this product was never a bestseller. In fact, it seems that it has been largely discontinued in store and online (although it is still listed on Clinique’s website). If this post ever reaches Clinique, please do consider bringing this gem back.

Stay tuned for more exciting holy grail serums in upcoming posts!

PS. Skincare is personal. What worked for me may not work for you. Make sure to patch test products before using.

