Project 4: Designer Experience Prototype

Communication Design — Studio II Lab: Design Hero

Gabriela Arias
2 min readMay 6, 2024

March 12, 2024

Project Brief

Design a digital, screen-based experience for someone who knows nothing about your designer. You will gather, curate, and craft text, images, typography, user interface elements, and several other elements to tell the best story of your hero and their work. How do you facilitate screen-based interactions that resonate with and delight your audience while informing and educating them?

As for project criteria, our app had to include all of the following:

  • A home page/screen
  • Navigation
  • At least one portrait of your hero
  • Multiple images of your hero’s work (at least 3 samples)
  • A system to caption your images
  • Selected text from your essay
  • At least one quotation by or about your hero treated as a “pull quote”
  • A chronology or timeline
  • Navigation markers to help your users know where they are
  • Some “delight” aspect that goes beyond “brochure ware”



First, I created a site map to understand what contents would be included in the prototype.

Then, I developed different wireframes to get an idea of where to place the content and the possible interactions I would like the users to have with it.

Wireframe Interactions

Then, it was all about bringing the ideas to live…

