Generating a PEG Parser

Guido van Rossum
6 min readAug 5, 2019


Now that I’ve sketched the infrastructure for a parser and a simple hand-written parser in part 2, let’s turn to generating a parser from a grammar, as promised. I’ll also show how to implement packrat parsing using a @memoize decorator.

[This is part 3 of my PEG series. See the Series Overview for the rest.]

Last time we ended with a hand-written parser. With some limitations to the grammar, it’s easy to generate such parsers automatically from the grammar. (We’ll lift those limitations later.)

We need two things: something that reads the grammar, constructing a data structure representing the grammar rules; and something that takes that data structure and generates the parser. We also need boring glue that I’ll omit.

So what we’re creating here is a simple compiler-compiler. I’m simplifying the grammar notation a bit to the point where we just have rules and alternatives; this is actually sufficient for the toy grammar I’ve been using in the previous parts of the series:

statement: assignment | expr | if_statement
expr: expr '+' term | expr '-' term | term
term: term '*' atom | term '/' atom | atom
atom: NAME | NUMBER | '(' expr ')'
assignment: target '=' expr
target: NAME
if_statement: 'if' expr ':' statement

Using the full notation we can write up the grammar for grammar files:

grammar: rule+ ENDMARKER
rule: NAME ':' alternative ('|' alternative)* NEWLINE
alternative: item+

Using a fancy word, this is our first meta-grammar (a grammar for grammars), and our parser generator will be a meta-compiler (a compiler is a program that translates programs from one language into another; a meta-compiler is a compiler whose input is a grammar and whose output is a parser).

A simple way to represent the meta-grammar uses mostly built-in data types: the right-hand-side of a rule is just a list of lists of items, and the items can just be strings. (Hack: we can tell NAME and STRING apart by checking whether the first character is a quote.)

For rules I am using a simple class, Rule, and the whole grammar is then a list of Rule objects. Here’s the Rule class, leaving out __repr__ and __eq__:

class Rule:    def __init__(self, name, alts): = name
self.alts = alts

And here’s the GrammarParser class that uses it (for the Parser base class see my previous post):

class GrammarParser(Parser):    def grammar(self):
pos = self.mark()
if rule := self.rule():
rules = [rule]
while rule := self.rule():
if self.expect(ENDMARKER):
return rules # <------------- final result
return None
def rule(self):
pos = self.mark()
if name := self.expect(NAME):
if self.expect(":"):
if alt := self.alternative():
alts = [alt]
apos = self.mark()
while (self.expect("|")
and (alt := self.alternative())):
apos = self.mark()
if self.expect(NEWLINE):
return Rule(name.string, alts)
return None
def alternative(self):
items = []
while item := self.item():
return items
def item(self):
if name := self.expect(NAME):
return name.string
if string := self.expect(STRING):
return string.string
return None

Note the use of ENDMARKER to make sure there isn’t anything left over after the last rule (which there might be if there’s a typo in the grammar). I’ve placed a primitive arrow pointing to the place where the grammar() method returns a list of Rules. The rest is very similar to the ToyParser class from the last episode, so I won’t try to explain it. Just observe that item() returns a string, alternative() returns a list of strings, and the alts variable inside rule() collects a list of lists of strings. The rule() method then combines the rule name (a string) and alts into a Rule object.

If we let this code loose on a file containing our toy grammar, the grammar() method will return the following list of Rules:

Rule('statement', [['assignment'], ['expr'], ['if_statement']]),
Rule('expr', [['term', "'+'", 'expr'],
['term', "'-'", 'term'],
Rule('term', [['atom', "'*'", 'term'],
['atom', "'/'", 'atom'],
Rule('atom', [['NAME'], ['NUMBER'], ["'('", 'expr', "')'"]]),
Rule('assignment', [['target', "'='", 'expr']]),
Rule('target', [['NAME']]),
Rule('if_statement', [["'if'", 'expr', "':'", 'statement']]),

Now that we have the parsing part of our meta-compiler, let’s make the code generator. Together these form a rudimentary meta-compiler:

def generate_parser_class(rules):
print(f"class ToyParser(Parser):")
for rule in rules:
print(f" @memoize")
print(f" def {}(self):")
print(f" pos = self.mark()")
for alt in rule.alts:
items = []
print(f" if (True")
for item in alt:
if item[0] in ('"', "'"):
print(f" and self.expect({item})")
var = item.lower()
if var in items:
var += str(len(items))
if item.isupper():
print(" " +
f"and ({var} := self.expect({item}))")
print(f" " +
f"and ({var} := self.{item}())")
print(f" ):")
print(f" " +
f"return Node({!r}, [{', '.join(items)}])")
print(f" self.reset(pos)")
print(f" return None")

This code is pretty ugly, but it works (kind of), and in a future episode I plan to rewrite it anyway.

A few details of the code inside the for alt in rule.alts loop may require explanation: for each item in an alternative, we choose between three possibilities:

  • if the item is a string literal, e.g. '+', we generateself.expect('+')
  • if the item is all upper case, e.g. NAME, we generate
    (name := self.expect(NAME))
  • otherwise, e.g. if the item is expr, we generate (expr := self.expr())

If there are multiple items with the same item name in a single alternative (e.g. term '-' term), we append a digit to the second one. There’s also a small bug here which I’ll fix in a future episode.

Here’s a bit of its output (the whole class would be very boring). Don’t worry about the odd, redundant if (True and)idiom, which I am using so every generated condition can start with and; Python’s bytecode compiler optimizes this out.

class ToyParser(Parser):    @memoize
def statement(self):
pos = self.mark()
if (True
and (assignment := self.assignment())
return Node('statement', [assignment])
if (True
and (expr := self.expr())
return Node('statement', [expr])
if (True
and (if_statement := self.if_statement())
return Node('statement', [if_statement])
return None

Note the @memoize decorator: I smuggled that in so I can segue to a different topic: using memoization to make the generated parser fast enough.

Here’s the memoize() function implementing this decorator:

def memoize(func):    def memoize_wrapper(self, *args):
pos = self.mark()
memo = self.memos.get(pos)
if memo is None:
memo = self.memos[pos] = {}
key = (func, args)
if key in memo:
res, endpos = memo[key]
res = func(self, *args)
endpos = self.mark()
memo[key] = res, endpos
return res
return memoize_wrapper

As is typical for a decorator, it contains a nested function that will replace (or wrap) the decorated function, for example the statement() method of the ToyParser class. Because the wrapped function is a method, the wrapper is also effectively a method: its first argument is named self and refers to the ToyParser instance on which the decorated method is called.

The wrapper caches the result of calling the parsing method at every input position — that’s why it’s called packrat parsing! The cache is a dict of dicts stored on the Parser instance. The outer cache key is the input position; I added self.memos = {} to Parser.__init__() to initialize it. The inner dicts are added as needed; their keys consist of the method and its arguments. (In the current design there are no arguments, but we could memoize expect(), which does have an argument, and there’s little cost to this added generality.)

The result of a parsing method is represented as a tuple, since parsing methods really have two results: an explicit return value (for our generated parsers this is a Node representing the matched rule), and a new input position, which we get from self.mark(). After calling the parsing method, we store both its return value (res) and the new input position (endpos) in the inner memoization dict. Upon further calls of the same parsing method with the same arguments at the same input position, we get both results from the cache, move the input position forward using self.reset(), and return the cached return value.

It is important to cache negative results too — in fact most calls to parsing methods will be negative results. In this case the return value is None and the input position is unchanged. You could add an assert to check this.

Note: A common memoization idiom in Python is to make the cache a local variable in the memoize() function. That won’t do here: as I found out during a last-minute debug session, each Parser instance must have its own cache. However, you could get rid of the nested-dict design by using (pos, func, args) as the key.

Next week I will trace through the code to show how all this actually fits together when parsing an example program. I am still pulling my hair out over the best way to visualize how the tokenization buffer, the parser and the memoization cache work together. Maybe I’ll manage to produce animated ASCII art instead of just trace logging output.

License for this article and the code shown: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

