AWS-101: Creating your account

Guilherme Virtuoso
4 min readJun 10, 2019

Today I'll drive you through the creation process of an AWS account.
This is your first step to start your cloud career.

  1. Access the AWS website:;

2. Click on the orange button on the top right "Create an AWS Account";

3. On the next screen fill the form with your information: E-mail, Password, an Account Name and click on "Continue";

For this tutorial purpose, I'm using a temporary e-mail created by

4. The registration process will ask you for contact data.

Fill the fields, read the customer agreement (maybe not haha), check the checkbox and click on "Create Account and Continue";

5. On the next step, you will provide your payment information. Don't worry about charges right now.

According to AWS:

Please type your payment information so we can verify your identity. We will not charge you unless your usage exceeds the AWS Free Tier Limits

In fact, depending on your credit card company, maybe AWS could charge you about USD $1.00 to check if it’s a valid credit card. They usually undo this charge later.

Click on "Secure Submit" for the next steps;

6. Now you have to confirm your identity to activate your account. You can choose between an SMS or a voice call to receive the verification code:

Click on the "Send" button to continue, take the SMS and inform the verification code. A pop-up will show up and will be waiting for your code for 10 minutes.

7. You will receive something like that (In my case I chose SMS), take the code and fill the form. After that click on "Verify Code";

8. After the confirmation, you will be redirected to a screen to choose your Support Plan. You can start with the Basic plan for now (It's FREE). I strongly recommend reading about the Support Plans to be aware of what each one covers.

9. Almost there!!! After all these steps you will be redirected to a quick survey to check your main purpose in using AWS. You can ignore it (or not). To do the first login, click on the orange button on the top right. "Sign In to the Console"

10. After clicking on the button, you will see the login form.

IMPORTANT: For now, you are using your "ROOT" account, which is not recommended on a daily basis use for security reasons. I highly recommend you read my article about IAM basic security actions for your account ;-)

11. It’s done! You are ready to start using this awesome cloud platform. Feel free to explore “All services” clicking on each one. Some of them have brief videos about the feature, it's very helpful to get an idea about how it works.

Hope that this article incentive you to create your first account on AWS for study or (in the best case) starts to use it for professional purpose.

Feel free to leave your comments.

See you next time!

