Tejesvi Gunturu
3 min readNov 2, 2020


My most favorite part of the week is Friday evening, not because the weekend starts, but because a new episode of Grey’s Anatomy releases every week on this very day. As soon as I get home from college, I immediately change into PJs and sit before my laptop to watch the new episode. My friends always wonder why I am so obsessed with this American drama series. Well, I guess today might be the day to tell you why am I so obsessed and inspired by the long-running American medical drama with 317 ep and still counting.

When you ask someone who is your inspiration, most of them say it is their parents, friends, teachers, but if you ask me who is my inspiration, I would say it is Meredith Grey.

You are probably wondering who Meredith Grey is? Well, she is a fictional character from a medical drama series called “GREY’S ANATOMY.”How can a small fictional character inspire you? How can it give a difference in your life? I even thought the same thing, but watching her episode to episode changed everything and, she became my role model and inspiration.

The first thing I learned from her is ‘NEVER BE AFRAID TO MAKE MISTAKES, JUST MAKE SURE YOU LEARN FROM THEM.’ We usually get afraid to make mistakes because we know there will be people around us to judge. I made numerous mistakes in my life, the mistakes that hurt someone, the mistakes that hurt me, but I never repeated the same mistake, which make me realize that I learned something from those mistakes. And then I stopped being afraid of what people think.

“Mistakes come from doing, but so does success.” –Coach John Wooden

The second thing I learned is ‘NOT TRYING IS BIGGEST MISTAKE YOU COULD EVER MAKE.’ I am the laziest person I know, I always postpone and find the easiest way to complete what I want, and sometimes I don’t even try and, that is the reason I always lag. Only now do I realize whatever opportunities are given to me, I shouldn’t give up and, I should try my best.

The third lesson I learned is ‘LIFE DOESN’T COME WITH INSTRUCTIONS.’ No matter what, life always tries to throw the worst situations. So we should always meddle ourselves and prepare for the consequences. Because everything happens for a reason. I love that I always have a choice where I get to decide what to do next.

The fourth lesson I learned is ‘LOOK FOR GOOD IN EVERYONE.’ Just because people do horrible things doesn’t mean they are horrible it’s always the situation that makes them horrible. So never look bad in people, always look good in everyone.

The fifth lesson I learned is, ‘LIFE ISN’T ABOUT FINDING YOURSELF; IT IS ABOUT CREATING YOURSELF.’ I always desired to create myself to learn new things and try new things. The decisions I make the facts I consider represents who I am and what I stand for. I learned to build my values. I discovered about human behavior, human vulnerability, and the way to deal with life problems. By learning so, I am creating my best version. In the series, they talked about different struggles like depression, anxiety, mental and physical behavior, which made me realize I am no less different than any other person who is facing the same.

The sixth and final thing I learned is, ‘NEVER STOP DREAMING.’ Even though they can never be real, we should never give up dreaming. Because we may not reach the dream, but, at least we are near to them.

From dreaming to become a surgeon to how a mother handles her husband’s death. From rules of friendship to vows of the wedding. From being ordinary alone to being extraordinary together. She taught me so much.

