GWEI NETWORK Launches An OLT Incentive Lock-up Program 🔐

6 min readOct 12, 2018


We would like to introduce a new program being implemented by GWEI Network. The OneLedger Incentive Lock-up Program will provide an opportunity to all the participants to earn tokens by locking their tokens into a smart contract for a specific period of time.

The lock-up periods and the bonuses are as follows:

The participants will have an opportunity to earn up to 25 million OLT tokens during this program, depending on how many tokens they decide to lock-up and at what bonus. The program will automatically close and will no longer receive any more deposits once the max bonus of 25 million OLT tokens has been reached to give out to participants or on March 31, 2019 (11:59pm EST), whichever event occurs first.

To take advantage of this program, kindly follow the steps as illustrated below:



  1. Click here and enter your wallet address.

2. Click “Approve”.

3. Enter the maximum amount you would like to send to the contract and click on “Submit”.

4. Now, you can select any ERC20 compatible platform to approve your wallet for the smart contract. Clicking on either MyCrypto, MEW or MetaMask will auto-populate the “To address”, “Amount to send”, “Gas Limit” and “Data”fields. If using a different platform, kindly copy the details provided from the bottom and paste it into the provider of your choice.

In our example, we will illustrate using MEW, but you can use whichever platform you are comfortable with.

In this case, click on MEW.

5. Unlock your wallet using one of the options mentioned.

6. The recommended “To Address”, “Amount to Send”, “Gas Limit” and “Data” field auto-populate.
Note: Do not change any details while performing this step.
The deposit of OLT is handled in the data section of the transaction, so you
don’t need to send OLT directly to the contract.

7. Click on “Generate Transaction”, and then “Send Transaction”.

8. Make sure all the details are correct and then proceed with the transaction.

9. “Refresh” the page after the 0 Ether transaction has completed. The “Allowance” should display the amount you had selected in Step 3.


1. Click on the “Deposit” option which you would like to opt for.

2. Now enter the amount of OLT you wish to lock-up in the contract.
Note: This amount should be less than or equal to the “Allowance” amount which was entered in STEP 3 of the APPROVE SECTION

3. Now, you can select any ERC20 compatible platform to deposit the OLT tokens to the smart contract. Clicking on either MyCrypto, MEW or MetaMask will auto-populate the “To address”, “Amount to send”, “Gas Limit” and “Data” fields. If using a different platform, kindly copy the details provided from the bottom and paste it into the provider of your choice.

In our example, we will illustrate using MEW, but you can use whichever platform you are comfortable with.

In this case, click on MEW.

4. Unlock your wallet using one of the options mentioned.

5. The recommended “To Address”, “Amount to Send”, “Gas Limit” and “Data” field auto-populate.
Note: Do not change any details while performing this step.
The deposit of OLT is handled in the data section of the transaction, so you
don’t need to send OLT directly to the contract.

6. Click on “Generate Transaction”, and then “Send Transaction”.

7. Make sure all the details are correct and then proceed with the transaction.

8. “Refresh” the page after the 0 Ether transaction has completed. Your “Lock time”, “Deposit amount” and “Reward” should show up as illustrated in the picture below.


  1. Click on “Withdraw Principle & Bonus Tokens”

2. Now, you can select any ERC20 compatible platform to withdraw the OLT tokens from the smart contract. Clicking on either MyCrypto, MEW or MetaMask will auto-populate the “To address”, “Amount to send”, “Gas Limit” and “Data” fields. If using a different platform, kindly copy the details provided from the bottom and paste it into the provider of your choice.

In our example, we will illustrate using MEW, but you can use whichever platform you are comfortable with.

In this case, click on MEW.

3. Unlock your wallet using one of the options mentioned.

4. The recommended “To Address”, “Amount to Send”, “Gas Limit” and “Data” field auto-populate.
Note: Do not change any details while performing this step.

5. Click on “Generate Transaction”, and then “Send Transaction”.

6. Make sure all the details are correct and then proceed with the transaction.

7. The entire Principle and Bonus amount will be credited to your linked wallet after the above step.

(i) Tokens once deposited into the contract cannot be withdrawn until the lock-up period is complete

(ii) We will not be responsible for any loss of tokens due to the user not following the correct steps as stated in this guide

(iii) The user’s lock-up time will begin as soon as the user deposits the tokens into their respective contract

(iv) GWEI Network website: click here

(v) OLT TokenBank contract link: click here

(vi) GWEI Network audit report of TokenBank contract: click here




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