College Dorm Rooms/ Hoarders Edition

Jacob Gwinn
4 min readDec 2, 2016


College Dorm Rooms/ Hoarders Edition

Bed bugs, lice, ants, mold, bacteria, GPA decrease, trouble making friends these are some possible symptoms of having a messy dorm. College is such a busy time in your life you may forget to clean up along the way. Especially in the dorms when all of your personal things have to fit into a room with another person things can get messy. All of your clothes and roommate’s clothes on the ground you can barely see what you are stepping on. Okay maybe I am overreacting a little bit but really the cleanliness of the dorms can have such a negative impact on your life. Lets be honest if your room is a mess its also likely that your life is a mess. You react to the environment that you live in and if your room is cluttered your brain will be during that important test that you have. Not only that but living in a gross unhealthy atmosphere like that can immensely affect your own physical health and could even make you sick. Having a cluttered and dirty living environment affects everyone that comes in contact with it rather it be your dorm or your hall or your bathroom make an effort to keep it clean its in your best interest.

When you first move into college your new sense of freedom can really hurt you in the long run. No one around telling you to clean up all the time. Having a cluttered and messy room can cause lots of problems for yourself down the line. If you keep your room messy you have a much higher chance for bugs and insects to be invited into your dorm. Also with a messy dorm a lot of bacteria can start to grow off of dirty clothes sometimes even mold can begin to grow. All this should not be put on us though the school should also do a better job of cleaning some of the public areas like showers and lounges because they can get really dirty. In a college in Vermont a Junior stated, “There is mold in the vents in the bathrooms.” This is a huge health concern mold is blowing from the vents and getting into people’s lungs really bad for you. This is a problem in most colleges although probably not that severe. Not only can having a messy room cause hygienic problems but it can also cause social problems too.

Having a gross dirty room can also make the relationship on you and your roommate harder. If your roommate likes the room clean and you are a dirty person, chances are you wont get along to well. Having a messy room can also make it harder for you to make friends. Not many people like hanging out in a room where they can barely see the floor. If you have a messy dorm, then you may feel ashamed to have people over. I mean come on no one wants to hangout in a gross dirty room and it could leave a bad impression on you to your friends. Many people don’t want to be friends with a messy person, messy people for the most part also live messy lives meaning its hard to make plans because they are unorganized. If you are a messy person you are generally less organized it may start reflecting in other areas of your life, “It may be hard to do work or concentrate on anything when you’re living in a mess and sometimes the mess in your room can make your head feel messy or disorganized too.” If you room is a mess your brain may also be a mess during that important test you are about to take.

When it really comes down to it though how hard is it to take that extra couple minutes to just clean up around your dorm. You may think it will be a hassle to clean up your dorm but its way easier to clean up a little bit everyday rather then once a month for an hour. IT will also be way better on your health and social life too. Its really not much effort to keep your dorm clean and you will have such a better life if your room is clean. You wont have to worry about bugs or being embarrassed to bring friends over and you will also most likely do better academically too. Your life will be immensely improved if you keep up on a clean living environment a for college freshman its super important to keep that in mind.

