Leerfish has many nutritional benefits for the human body.

FISHSURFING Travel Inspiration
2 min readJan 29, 2020


Electrifying article today, let’s dig in and learn the facts and stay optimistic always.

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(1) The Leerfish is a fast-swimming predacious species they are mostly found in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

(2) They appear bluish-grey in colour.

(3)This fish is packed with many nutritional benefits, including protein, monounsaturated fat, niacin, and vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, and phosphorus.

(4) Their nutritional benefits make their meat a possible collaborator in battling cardiovascular diseases globally.

(5) They are usually active during the spring and summer seasons during winter they prefer migrating to warmer waters.

(6) Adults prefer remaining in the near shore zone and are seldom found in waters deeper than 20 m.

(7) They can grow to a length of 1.5 m with a maximum size of 38 kg.

(8)They have a good life span averaging 9 years or more provided there are exposed to good conditions.

(9) They are skilled hunters and feed mostly on bluefish and mullet.

(10) They undertake spawning between September and November spawned eggs are dispersed inshore by currents.

(11) They tend to be good fighters when it comes to fishing; they are often targeted by anglers using lures and live bait.

(12) The population of these species is rapidly declining anglers are encouraged to practice catch and release.



FISHSURFING Travel Inspiration

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