175 Random interesting funny animal facts

Gyan Jyoti Dutta
9 min readFeb 29, 2020


175 Random interesting funny animal facts You Don’t Know. Plz read all the facts one by one, you will like it.

Do you know, no one has ever seen a giraffe swimming, The Steller’s sea eagle is the heaviest eagle in the world, which weight is about 9 kg, The giant panda is actually a bear, Cows kill more peoples than sharks do, Owls turn their heads almost 360 degrees but they cannot move their eyes…

If you want to read these types of Random interesting funny animal facts then see below. let’s begin this awesome list…..

175 Random interesting funny animal facts

We divided this topic into 3 different parts to make you understand all facts and read clearly those are

  1. Interesting animal facts
  2. Bird Facts
  3. The interesting fact about Octopus
  4. The interesting fact about Panda
  5. Giraffe funny facts
  6. Random Facts
  7. Interesting fun facts
  8. Interesting facts to talk about
  9. Inappropriate fun facts
  10. Fun facts to share
  11. Did you know funny facts
  12. Ridiculously funny facts

175 Random interesting funny animal facts

Interesting animal facts

175 Random interesting funny animal facts

9 interesting animals facts you do not know those are:

  1. All mammals take about 12 seconds to poop regarding the size.
  2. There is more than 1250 water park in North America.
  3. The world largest tree nest ever recorded for any animals species was built by the Bald Eagle. It was 4 m (13 ft)deep, and 2.5 m(8.2 ft) wide and 1 metric ton in weight.
  4. A birds-eye takes up about 50% of its head but the human eye takes about only 5 % of our head.
  5. The Robin was voted the UK’s most popular bird in 2015.
  6. Adult flamingos are four to five feet tall, but only weight between 4 to 8 pounds.
  7. The penguin is the only bird can swim but not fly.
  8. A bird’s normal body temperature is usually 7–8 degree hotter than a human.
  9. Do you know kiwi is the only world wingless bird?

Bird Facts

175 Random interesting funny animal facts

19 interesting bird facts you do not know those are:

  1. The Steller’s sea eagle is the heaviest eagle in the world, which weight is about 9 kg
  2. An ostrich egg is roughly equivalent to 24 larger hens eggs and takes up to 2 hours to boil it.
  3. Hummingbird is the smallest bird which is measure around 5 cm and weight 3 gram.
  4. Owls cannot swivel their eyes.
  5. Do you know Owls turn their heads almost 360 degrees but they cannot move their eyes?
  6. Crows have the largest cerebral hemispheres (Brain), relative to their body size of any avian family.
  7. Some bird can fly higher than Mount Everest. The Ruppell’s griffon vulture files the higher of any bird on record. It can altitudes of 36,100 feet.
  8. In the United States alone there are over 41 million pet birds.
  9. Do you know The most talkative bird in the world is the African Gray Parrot?
  10. Many birds fly 1000 of moles without stopping when they migrate.
  11. Malaria is a tropical disease spread by mosquitoes.
  12. Hummingbirds need to eat constantly (every 10 minutes approximately).
  13. Macaws species parrots living longest time than other parrot species
  14. Woodcock and many ducks have their eyes placed at the side of their heads so that they have a 360-degree field of vision.
  15. The bird with the most feather is the Whistling Swan which has 25,000 feathers.
  16. The ostriches are the only bird that willingly takes care of their female eggs.
  17. Do you know The only bird with nostrils at the end of its beak is the Kiwi. this placement helps it sniff for food, such as worms and insects on the ground.
  18. Emperor penguins can dive to a depth of 566 meters and hold their breath for more than 20 minutes.
  19. An ostriches egg can weight approximately 3 pounds. That is equal to 2 dozen chicken eggs.

The interesting fact about Octopus

175 Random interesting funny animal facts

8 interesting Octopus funny fact you do not know those are:

  1. Do you know The largest Octopus ever had a mass of 71 kg?
  2. The Mimic Octopus can imitate up to 15 marine species, including Sea Snake, Stingrays, Lion fishes and jellyfish.
  3. Octopuses have 3 hearts.
  4. Do you know The oldest octopus fossil is 296 million years old?
  5. Do you know An octopus will eat its own arm when hungry?
  6. Octopuses are eaten alive in Korea.
  7. An octopus can lose an arm to escape a predator, grasp and regrow it later with no permanents damage.
  8. Around 300 species of octopuses are recognized.

The interesting fact about Panda

175 Random interesting funny animal facts

11 interesting panda fact you do not know those are:

  1. 99% of Panda’s diet consists of bamboo.
  2. A group of a panda is called an “embarrassment”.
  3. All panda in the world are on loan from China.
  4. A panda fur is worth between US$61,000 and US$102,000 on the illegal trade market.
  5. Do you know One reason the WWF picked the panda as their logo was to spare printing costs?
  6. The giant panda is actually a bear.
  7. The giant panda spends around 50% of its life collecting, preparing and eating bamboo.
  8. The life span of the giant panda in the wild is approximately 20 years.
  9. Panda researcher has to wear panda costumes to work with cubs.
  10. Panda has lived on earth for 2 to 3 millions year.
  11. Do you know One giant panda usually needs between 2.6 to 4.2 square miles of land to survive?

Giraffe funny facts

175 Random interesting funny animal facts

10 interesting Giraffe funny fact you do not know those are

  1. Giraffes just need 5 to 30 minutes of rest in 24 hours.
  2. The Giraffe’s 9 subspecies distinguished by their coat patterns.
  3. A group of Giraffes is called a Tower.
  4. Do you know Giraffes can go longer without drinking water than camels can?
  5. No one has ever seen a giraffe swimming.
  6. Giraffe is the tallest animals in the world. Male can grow up to 18 feet tall.
  7. The maximum weight of a male giraffe was 1,930 kg and 1,.180 for a female.
  8. The intestines of an adult giraffe measure more than 70 m (230 ft) length.
  9. The giraffe feet are the size of a dinner plate,12 inches (30.5) across.
  10. A giraffe neck can measure up to 6 feet long.

Random Facts

175 Random interesting funny animal facts

20 random and interesting fun fact you do not know those are

  1. Every second 9000 Coca-Cola company products are consumed in the world.
  2. Do you know An Olivia tree can live up to 1500 years?
  3. Water and mineral flow upward through the roots into the stem of the plants and then into the leaves of the plant.
  4. Do you know Tomatoes are very high in the carotenoid lycopene, and eating foods with carotenoids can lower your risk of cancer?
  5. The 1906 California earthquake was one of the major disasters to be recorded by photography.
  6. The world largest hailstone ever recorded in the United States was nearly the size of a soccer ball. It was a 7-inch wide chunk of ice.
  7. The saltiest sea in the world is the Red Sea with 41 parts of salts per 1,000 parts of water.
  8. There are more bacteria and microbes in our body than the actual cell that make up the body.
  9. Do you know Approximately 47% of the lakes in America are too polluted for fishing, aquatic life, or swimming?

Interesting facts to talk about

  1. An Acer tree can remove about 13 tons of dust and gases every year from the surrounding environments.
  2. About 20% of all volcanoes are underwater.
  3. Rampant deforestation currently causes 20% of the world’ global warming pollution by prohibiting the re-absorption of CO2
  4. Do you know China has taken over the U.S as both the world’s largest CO2 emitter and the world’s largest energy consumer?
  5. A nuclear war would kill approximately 1 billions people, and 100 million people would be injured. The 3–4 billion people left alive would find themselves facing widespread radioactive contamination, a possible nuclear winter, increased level of damaging ultraviolet rays due to partial destruction of the ozone layer, a global photochemical smog, as well as a multitude of toxic pollution.
  6. The Angle Fall in Venezuela is the world’s highest waterfall (979 meter/3212 ft).which is 3 times the size of the Eiffel Tower.
  7. You shed and regrow your skin every 28 days, that is about 1000 times in a lifetime.
  8. Do you know the Green turtles can migrate more than 1,400 miles to lay their eggs?
  9. The fragrances of flowers are due to the essences of oil which they produce.
  10. Geologist believes sea levels could rise between 7 and 23 inches by the end of the century if currents warming trends continue.
  11. A male clownfish change its gender to female when the queen of a clownfish school dies.

Interesting fun facts

175 Random interesting fun animal facts

100 interesting fun fact you do not know those are:

  1. In one gram of soil, about 10 million bacteria live in it.
  2. The DNA a single human cell is 37 meters long when unravelled.
  3. Do you know The fungus Cordyceps is able to “mind control’ other insect-like ants to climb plants and attach there to become its food,
  4. Over 56,000 square miles of natural forest are lost every year.
  5. Do you know An earthquake in A.D. 1201 in the eastern Mediterranean is labelled the worst earthquake in history and claimed on estimated 1 million lives?
  6. The amount of plastics waste has been increasing by about 10% each year for the past 20 years.
  7. Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.
  8. Earthquakes can release a hundred times more energy than the nuclear bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima in Japan in 1945.
  9. The tress cut down noise pollution by acting as a sound barrier.
  10. A woodpecker can peak with a force as high as 12,000 g’s with each impact-equivalences to a human striking head against a wall at a speed of 25 km an hour each time.
  11. If the ocean’s totals salt content were dried, it would cover the continents to a depth of 500 feet.
  12. Wine grapes, orange, figs and olives were first planted in North America by Father Junipero Sera In 1769.
  13. Asia continents covered 30% of the total earth land area.
  14. The rain forest is critical in maintaining the Earth’s limited supply of drinking and freshwater.
  15. A queen bee lays about 1,500 eggs in a day.
  16. Do you know The nerves in our body are most concentrated in our fingertips?
  17. The oldest mountains in the world are the Highland In Scotland. They are estimated to be about 400 millions year old.
  18. Do you know Sheep, goats and the octopus have almost rectangular -oval pupils in their eyes.
  19. More than 2,00 tropical forest plants have been identified by scientists as having anti-cancer property.
  20. Between the year 1961 and 1977, the world’s glaciers lost 890 cubic miles of ice.

Inappropriate fun facts

  1. There is no clock in Las Vegas gambling casinos.
  2. Cockroach lives about a week without heads.
  3. Chewing gum burns about 11 calories per hour.
  4. The number of animals killed for meat every hour in the U.S is 400,000.
  5. The tongue of a blue wheel weight more than most elephants.
  6. Do you know Hamsters run up to 8 miles at night on a wheel?
  7. A hummingbird weighs less than a penny.
  8. More than 40% of the people in the world have made or received a telephone call.
  9. The Golden Poison Dart Frog’s skins have enough toxins to kill 100 peoples.
  10. Do you know the word “Gorilla” is derived from a Greek word meaning “A tribe of hairy women”?
  11. Do you know The world oldest pieces of chewing gum is over 9,000 years old?
  12. Cows kill more peoples than sharks do.




Gyan Jyoti Dutta

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