190 interesting and random funny fun facts

Gyan Jyoti Dutta
9 min readMar 6, 2020


190 interesting and random funny fun facts you Don’t Know. Plz read all the facts one by one, you will like it.

Do you know Bird poop is white because they don’t pee, Elephants trunks contain more than 50,000 muscles, The average apple contains 10 seeds Guinea pigs and rabbits can’t sweat,550,000 tones of dog excrement are dumped annually on the stress of Paris, Ketchup was sold in 1830 as medicine

If you want to read these types of interesting and random funny fun facts see below. let’s begin this awesome list…..

190 interesting and random funny fun facts

For understanding all facts details, we divided this topic into 9 different parts are:

  1. Brain funny facts
  2. Funny fact for the day
  3. Interesting facts to talk about
  4. Inappropriate funny facts
  5. Ridiculously funny facts
  6. Fun fact to share
  7. Music funny facts
  8. Random Facts
  9. Did you know funny facts

Brain funny facts

  1. The elephant’s brain weight about 6,000g.
  2. Mind harm happens at an inward temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Diet soda kills brain cells.
  4. The leech has 32 brains.
  5. The average brain comprises 2 % of total body weight. Yet it requires 25% of all oxygen used by the body as opposed to 12 % used by the kidneys and 6% by the heart.
  6. Over 80% of the brain is water.
  7. Brain damage will occur if a fever goes about 107.6-degree Fahrenheit.
  8. An ant brain about 250,000 brain cells.
  9. The weight of the human mind is around 3 lbs.
  10. Crocodiles have brain longer than a cigar and they can not stick tongue out.
  11. jellyfish do not have brains.
  12. chewing gum boosts your brain capacity.
  13. Rice and some other grains contain chemicals that can enhance brain function.

Funny fact for the day

  1. The slowest we have recorded light moving at is 38 mph.
  2. Scotland national animals are the unicorn.
  3. when you sneeze your heart stops for a mile-second.
  4. Hippopotamus milk is pink.
  5. Pigeons put off thing they do not want to do even if it causes a problem later.
  6. A slug’s anus is on its head.
  7. A hedgehog’s heart pulsates 300 times each moment overall.
  8. Do you know Camels have 3 eyelids to shield themselves from blowing sand?
  9. During your lifetimes you will ear about 60,000 pounds of food, that the weight of about 6 elephants.
  10. Sound does not travel in space.
  11. In China, a man has kept himself alive with a homemade dialysis machine for 13 years.
  12. Doges do have better low-light vision than humans.
  13. Some tress in Redwoods National Park is approximately 2,000 years old.
  14. Do you know the opposite sides of a dice cube always add up to seven?
  15. There is a perfectly painless pf killing someone through nitrogen asphyxiation by cutting off oxygen while still supplying nitrogen so that the body does not experience a suffocating sensation.
  16. The woodpecker tongue folds around its brain when its rest.
  17. In space, astronauts cannot cry properly because there is no gravity, so the tear can’t flow down their face.
  18. Frowning burns more calories than smiling.
  19. Many expensive brands of perfume contain wheal faces.
  20. Bird poop is white because they don’t pee.
  21. Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire.
  22. Jellyfish have no heart.
  23. Malusdomesticaphobia is the fear of apples.
  24. The woman can fly an aeroplane in Saudi Arabia, but can’t drive cars.
  25. The common basilisk is also known as the “Jesus Christ Lizard” for the ability to run on the surface of the water.
  26. The 2,180 plus mile Appalachian national scenic trail pass through 14 states.
  27. Dog’s only sweat gland are between their paw pads.
  28. Biscayne National Park in Florida is 95 per cent underwater.
  29. Crocodiles cannot chew their food.
  30. Ketchup was sold in 1830 as medicine.

Interesting facts to talk about

  1. Apple contains high levels of boron, which increases mental alertness.
  2. Spanish national anthem has no words.
  3. Skunks can spray their smelly fluid up to 10 feet.
  4. A pregnant goldfish is called a twit(busted)
  5. Russia has a larger surface area than Pluto.
  6. Peoples in Denmark both pay the highest taxes in the worlds and are the happiest people in the world.
  7. The largest apple ever picked weight three pounds.
  8. Sloths take two weeks to digest their food.
  9. Do you know Bill Gates first business was Traff-O-Data, a company that created machines which recorded the number of cars passing a given point on a road?
  10. On average apples contains 4.5 grams of fibre.
  11. Breathing through your nose, you always inhale more air from nostril than the other. Additionally, the nostril gets the most air changes every so often.
  12. Squirrels can’t burp.
  13. In 2008 scientist discovered a new species of bacteria that live in human hairspray.
  14. Pomology is the sciences of apple-growing.
  15. Do you know the inventor of Vaseline used to eat a spoonful of it every day?
  16. Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel, “Gadsby”, which contains 50,000 words but none of them with the letter E.
  17. Bernd Eilts, a Germany artist turns died cow manure into wall clocks and small sculptures. He is now expanding his business to including cow dung wristwatches.
  18. Ketchup was sold in 1830 as medicine.
  19. It is estimated that plastic container will not decompose for as long as 60,000 years.
  20. Most of the time cats only meow to communicate with human-not other cats.

Inappropriate funny facts

  1. In 1986 a volcanic lake in Cameroon, Africa burped a massive cloud of Carbon dioxide that killed 1,745 people in minutes.
  2. Do you know Cats have 2 sets of vocal cords: one for purring and one for meowing.
  3. A man single handily planted a 1,360-acre forest at 16. He now lives in his own forest at the age of 47 with rhino, elephants, and tiger.
  4. Taking a nap longer than 20 minutes during the day can help boost your memory.
  5. Scientists claim that higher your I.Q the more you dream in your sleep.
  6. The apple float in water because 25% of their volume is made up of air.
  7. Apple seeds contain a cyanide compound.
  8. Elephants trunks contain more than 50,000 muscles.
  9. The average apple contains 10 seeds.
  10. Guinea pigs and rabbits can’t sweat.
  11. Flamingo are pink because they eat shrimp.
  12. Do you know a sneeze travels out your mouth at over 100 mph?
  13. In most watch promotions the time showed on the watch is 10:10.
  14. Do you know world deepest postbox is in Susami Bay in Japan? which is almost 10 meters underwater.
  15. In Japan, there is a family that has run the same hotel for nearly 1,3000 years.
  16. The top apple producing country are China, the U.S, Turkey, Poland and Italy.
  17. Penguins have an organ above their eyes that converted seawater to freshwater.
  18. Honeybees can distinguish human faces.
  19. Some turtles breathe through their butts.
  20. The human can inflate balloons with their ears.
  21. Camel’s milk does not curdle.
  22. You have Taste receptors in the stomach, intestine, pancreas, lungs, anus, testicles and the brain.
  23. Rats and horses can’t vomit.
  24. A peck of apples is 10.5 pounds.
  25. French artist, Michel Vienkot, uses cow dung as paint when he creates his picture.
  26. Cocks don’t have cocks. In 97% of bird species, the males don’t have p*nises.
  27. A snail has about 25,600 “teeth”.
  28. There is a Poop Bank where you can get human faeces by the bottle.
  29. Gorillas sleep 14 hours per day.
  30. “US wireless Users send 4.1 billion texts daily”.

You also see given below links for more funny and interesting facts:

Top 100 interesting and funny facts

150 Random animal and human body Interesting funny

130 Amazing human and animal funny fact

Ridiculously funny facts

  1. For men, s*x burns between 100 and 200 calories on average. On other hands, it only burns approximately 69 calories for a woman.
  2. Sharks lose a tooth a week.
  3. Male kangaroos flex their biceps to impress females.
  4. Powerful earthquakes can make the earth spin faster.
  5. Some tumours can grow hair, teeth and bones.
  6. You cannot kill yourself by holding your breath.
  7. Do you know Until the 19th century, solid blocks of tea were used as money in Siberia?
  8. Crocodiles can,t move its tongue and cannot chew.
  9. A rhino horn is made of compounds hair.
  10. Combined certain Asian country consumes about 13 to 16 million dogs per year and four million cats.
  11. Emus can’t walk backwards.
  12. Kangaroos can’t jump backwards.
  13. Elephants babies suck on their trunk the way human babies suck their thumbs.
  14. Do you know The two animals that can see behind itself without turning its head are the Rabbit and the Parrots?
  15. The lighter was invented before the match.
  16. Do you know A hurricane release more energy in 10 minutes than all the worlds nuclear weapons combined?
  17. Do you know In 1796 there was a state in the United States called Franklin? Today it’s known as Tennessee.
  18. A group of jellyfish is called a smack.
  19. In Queensland Australia, it’s illegal to own a pet rabbit unless you are a magician.
  20. People reportedly prefer blue toothbrushes over red ones.

Fun fact to share

  1. All apes laugh when they are tickled.
  2. there is an island in japan you visit that inhibited only by the friendly business.
  3. Miami is the only US city founded by a woman.
  4. You can buy Eel flopvered ice vcream in japan.
  5. There is a high school in Minnesota that gives service dogs yearbook photos.
  6. The toilet seat cover is basically pointless.
  7. Less than 1 percentage of Antraciuties is Ice-Free.
  8. Cornflakes were invented to prevents masturbation.
  9. The story you have probably heard about lemmings jumping off of cliffs to their deaths is fake.
  10. Do you know Sea otters have a pouch under their forearm to store their favourite rock?
  11. Depending on the speed of the wind some clouds travel up to 100 miles per hours across the sky.
  12. The Chinese Gaint salamander can grow to be 6 feet long,
  13. All mammals take about 12 seconds to poop, regarding the size.
  14. There is a town in Poland where everything is decorated with a painting of flowers.
  15. Baby puffins are called puffings.
  16. You lose about 40 to 90 hairs a day.
  17. The last letters added to the English alphabet was not z it was the letter J.
  18. Do you know The logo for Chupa Chups was designed by Salvador Dali?
  19. People reportedly prefer blue toothbrushes over red ones.
  20. The creature that kills the most peoples every year is not snakes, shark, or even other human — its the misquote.
  21. In 1889, the queen of Italy Margherita savoury order the first pizza delivery.
  22. At any moments clouds cover about 60 per cent of earth.
  23. Hearing is the fastest human senses.
  24. A person can recognize a sound in as little as 0.05 seconds.
  25. A seahorse can move its eyes in opposite directions- all the better to scan the water for food and predators.
  26. Corn is grown on every continent except Antarctica.
  27. Your hair contains traces of gold.
  28. Jellyfish have no brain, no heart, and no bones.

Music funny fact

  1. Liseasting to music may help people run faster and boost their motivation.
  2. Jazz, blues or soul music lover tends to be extroverted and has high self-esteem.
  3. rechases have founds that ability to pick a rhythm allows musicians to learn a language more easily than others.
  4. Music helps in improving sleep quality.
  5. music impacts your perspective.
  6. Music can help migraine and chronic headache suffer reduce the intensity, frequency and duration of the headaches.
  7. music causes the body to releases endorphins to counteracts pain.
  8. listing to high-frequency music makes you feel calm relaxes and happy.
  9. Music therapy has used effectively in both adult and children with a psychiatric disorder.
  10. Songs which you have never heard before help you driver safer on the road.
  11. classical music lover introverted creative and good sense of self-esteem.
  12. Baby wheal grow at an average rate of 10lbs per hour.

Random Facts

  1. Americans are responsible for about 1/5 of the world garbage annually.
  2. African adult elephants eat about six hundred pounds of foods a day that four per cent of the elephant’s body weight,.
  3. An Olympic gold medal must contain 92.5 per cent silver.
  4. salamander breathes through their skin.
  5. Ronald Reagan was the oldest president to ever leaves office at 77 years old.
  6. Dreangfly can fly at up to 30 mph.
  7. The most pushups ever performed in one day was 46,001.
  8. The Idiom “Keep your head above water” means to have just enough money to live or to continue the business.
  9. The biggest hippo tooth found was one meter long.
  10. The lucky number of sheep is 3,4,5,12,34,45&54.




Gyan Jyoti Dutta

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