How to grow spinach in hydroponics

Gyan Jyoti Dutta
4 min readApr 27, 2020


Spinach is a plant that is commonly known as green leaves, this plant also source of iron which is essential for the body.

The spinach also has many benefits such as preventing cancer, heart-healthy, organ digestion and promotes the body's energy.

Before starting hydroponic planting spinach there are some tools that you need to prepare the planting process can run smoothly.

Some of the tools and materials needed to plant spinach hydroponically given below:

Materials Required :

Seed beans spinach.

Nutrients Hydroponics AB Mix Vegetable,

Growing media hydroponic rock wool

Net pots.

Axis stove or flannel.

Box Styrofoam.

Tray container or tray.

Hydroponic spinach production Process:

1. Seeding seed of hydroponics spinach

First, we can be obtained from the seeds of spinach that has his parents or to buy from the farm shop.

Soak the seeds of spinach seeds in warm water for about 1 hour, the goal that the seeds become soft skin.

Prepare a hydroponic growing media can use rock wool, then cut into rock wool cubes measuring about 2 cm x 2 cm and are arranged in a tray.

Then the pieces of rock wool had made a hole using a stick to insert the seeds of spinach. The size of the holes can be adjusted to the size of spinach seeds to be sown.

Then enter the seeds that have been soaked into rock wool holes, each hole 1 seed spinach.

After all seed input in rock wool, you can flush all of the rock wool with clean water.

Keep watering is done slowly so that the water can wet rock wool evenly, but not until there is a puddle of water in the tray.

Next, save the tray in the shade and dry, then cover the tray using the plastic so fast seeding process takes place.

Let stand for 2-3 days, after the seeds germinate, or at least appears 2 leaves, move to a place that is exposed to sunlight. We recommend early morning sunlight on 06:00 until 10:00.

Take care of hydroponic spinach plants regularly to check the water moisture in the rock wool is that the seeds of spinach are not affected by drought and the growth is not inhibited.

2. Preparation media of hydroponics spinach

At this stage, we should be preparing the media or device to be used for hydroponic plant spinach.

Prepare box Styrofoam or water box with a minimum height of 30 cm.

Draw a box lid uses a thin or Styrofoam sheet with the length and width are adjusted to the main box earlier.

After that, make a hole in the lid of the Styrofoam with a diameter of approximately 5 cm. and make sure that the distance of each hole of at least 10 cm.

After the water box and lid are ready, you can continue to fill the box with liquid nutrients.

Make a nutrient fluid by mixing Mix A and Mix B every 5 ml along with 1 litre of clean water.

If you need more liquid nutrients, then you can increase the amount of material in each material with the ratio mengalilipatkan water, mix A, mix B =1: 5: 5.

3. Planting hydroponics spinach

After that we created earlier media has been completed, then the next thing you should do is planting spinach hydroponic.

Make a hole in the net media pots to make room on the axis or flannel.

Flannel serves as an intermediary between the plants that are in plastic cups with nutrients in the water in the box Styrofoam.

Remove any seeds of spinach that has at least four leaves into the net pot or used plastic cups we have prepared in advance.

After all net plant pot filled with spinach, you can move it and put it in the hole before closing Styrofoam with a higher seed position from the cover.

Flush each seed with water. Put the water box containing spinach seedlings regularly in your yard. and keep every hydroponic spinach seedlings exposed to sunlight.

4. Maintenance of hydroponic spinach seed

At this stage, we should regularly check the state of spinach plants to avoid weeds and pests. For the maintenance and care of hydroponic spinach, you can do some of the following

Watering Perform regular watering but not to make a puddle on the plant media.

The important thing is to maintain the plant in order not to dryness.

Weeding is to do the treatment plant with direct cleaning of weeds or weeds around the plants

Do the wedding in order to not trigger the arrival of pests and diseases.

5. Harvesting of hydroponics spinach

After passing through the above steps is now arriving his moment you enjoy the fruits of hydroponic spinach plants that stage of harvesting.

Spinach plants can be harvested when the age of spinach has entered the age of 25 days after planting.

That's five easy steps hydroponic planting spinach that you can apply at home even with a narrow area.

Hope you read all How to grow spinach in hydroponics steps by steps.



Gyan Jyoti Dutta

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