Basic Features of NPE

Gyana Chandra
4 min readAug 10, 2019



The following are the basic features of NPE, 1986:

  • Decentralization of education and establishment of District Institute of Education and Training.
  • Making sufficient funds available for education by increasing the expenditure up to 6% of GDP.
  • The uniform pattern of 10+2+3 pattern of education for all over the Country was recommended for immediate implementation.
  • Reorganization of educational programs at Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary level. Also, the reorganization of school curriculum was recommended.
  • Early Childhood Care and Education was given importance. Proper availability of food and healthy environment was also recommended.
  • Free and Compulsory Education till completion of elementary level.
  • Reorganization of Secondary school was recommended.
  • The compulsory school subjects such as Languages, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Statistics, Humanities, History, and some concepts such as national and constitutional responsibility of citizen is given prime importance to teach to the students.
  • Expansion of higher education was to be done with opening Open University and Distance Education Institutions and the mode of education was to be given equal status and recognition by UGC.
  • Recognition to be given to the role of technical and Management education.
  • Evaluation system is to be improved by adding Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation to the system.
  • Delinking from job degree and more emphasis was given to skill based learning.
  • Improvement in the teacher education programme was recommended. NCTE was to be given a constitutional status, establishing DIET, and CTEs.
  • For the improvement in education, it was recommended to implement Educational Technology in Indian classroom.
  • For making education system more effective, Minimum Level of Learning (MLL) was decided.
  • Equal Opportunity for all was managed by giving special space to women, SCs, STs, OBCs and Physically weaker section of the society.
  • More schools to be opened and making resources available for the students who are located in the remote areas.
  • IEDS scheme was launched for the students from the Physically weaker section.

Summary: NPE 1986 introduced Decentralization of education, made sufficient funds available for education, uniform pattern of education all over the country. It reorganized educational programs and school curriculum.Early childhood care and education, free and compulsory education, reorganization of secondary schools, compulsory school subjects given importance, it also introduced open university and distance education.Recognition to technical and management education, CCE was introduced, delinked job from degrees, recommended teacher education program, equal opportunity to all, more schools. IEDS scheme was launched.

NPE 92

Making availability of Non-Formal Education for the girl child especially

from the age group of 15-35 years.

  • Special provisions were made for the students from weaker sections like SC/ST/OBC and minorities in the form of Mid-Day-Meal, stationary, books and free education.
  • Efforts were made for the backward minorities for giving them hostel facilities, polytechnic education, coaching and removal of difficulties coming in the way of education.
  • Provisions for the NGO were made to come forward in this sector for opening new special schools and give students vocational training.
  • Efforts were made to make them self-dependent by imparting education through National Literacy Mission.
  • Relating to Early Childhood Care and Education, provisions were made for establishing the Anganwadis and Balwadis.
  • Relating to Elementary Education, provisions of schools were made for low density areas. Minimum numbers of teachers were suggested for the school as per the enrollment of the school.
  • Provision were made for the improvement of quality education with the enhancement of Secondary School Education till +2 level.
  • Emphasizing quality enhancement in Navodaya Vidyalaya schools and setting a role model for all other schools.
  • Provisions were made in vocational education to meet the requirements of industry and employment.
  • In higher education, provisions were made for self-financed Universities.
  • Provision was made to open at least one Open University in each State and IGNOU had to give technical assistance and Distance Education Council to regulate them.
  • Provision was made to delink jobs with Degree. More focus was given to attaining skills and competencies for youth.
  • Provision was made to open rural universities and institutes. It was suggested to provide technical and financial support to the NGOs and government institutions. Suggestions were made to establish All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE).
  • Establishing culture bond was also emphasized in education from the regional to national level and from national level to Global Level.
  • Suggestions were made that research must not be confined to just obtaining the degree but its result must influence the society too.
  • For development of languages, three language formula was promoted and it was recommended to develop Hindi as the National Language.
  • Recommendations were made to include the Media, Radio, Computers and new technologies as a part of education process.
  • Emphasis was laid on sports and other physical activities. Suggestions were given to motivate students to participate in the NCC and NSS.
  • Recommendation was made to attain Minimum Level of Learning in each subject, making evaluation process more flexible, and avoid unfair means in the evaluation process.
  • Recommendation was made to give constitutional status to NCTE, to establish DIETs, CTEs, and IASEs.
  • Recommendations was made to decentralize education, and to allow the NGOs to participate in this sector.

