How to Treat Grade 1 Gynecomastia


Male breast growth is known as gynecomastia. There are 4 gynecomastia grades. The condition is considered to be mild if you have first grade. Although getting rid of it might not be so simple, this is typically the best-case scenario.

How Does Grade 1 Gynecomastia Differ from Other Grades?

Gynecomastia in grade 1 only causes a minor rise in breast size. When the male takes off his shirt for activities like swimming or having fun at the beach, the problem arises. The chest region can then be seen to be different from that of men who do not have abnormal male breast growth, even though it is still just mild.

Does Grade 1 Gynecomastia Resolve on Its Own?

The disorder can develop in teenage boys during the normal hormonal changes brought on by puberty. In these cases, the illness may occasionally get better within 2 years. Older men with gyno may not be that fortunate. In addition, genetics, some medications, underlying conditions including liver illness, and the use of illegal drugs like marijuana and anabolic steroids can all contribute to gynecomastia. Grade 1 gynecomastia can occasionally cure on its own when the problematic behavior is stopped or the underlying issue is treated.

The extra skin and glandular growth that come with a severe case of the issue can only be eliminated by a long-term solution, such as gynecomastia surgery.

What Happens During Grade 1 Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia doctors now have access to cutting-edge techniques that are rarely invasive, carry a low risk of complications, and call for little recovery time. The procedure requires employing serpentine tools, one of which has a light and camera attached to the end, and minor incisions. Through the cuts made around the chest, these instruments enter the body.

Any residual fat that gives the chest a feminine appearance can be suctioned out using liposuction after the glandular tissue has been removed. The cannula is used to break up fat cells around the chest before they are suctioned out. For more severe cases of gynecomastia, there is the third stage of surgery that involves the removal of excess skin.



Gynecomastia Surgery Center of Los Angeles

Our experienced surgeon, Dr. Babak Moeinmolki, performs male breast reduction surgery for all types & Grades of gynecomastia at Gynecomastia Center Los Angeles.