HD vs. SD vs. 4K Streaming: What to Consider When Choosing

Gyre Pro
2 min readDec 13, 2023


Along with an exciting concept, a well-thought-out script, and a recognizable speaking manner, video quality is a requirement for streamers to become famous. Indeed, cases where streamers become world-famous despite the low quality of their videos are the exception rather than the rule. Below, we will consider the most typical video formats supported by well-known streaming platforms.

What Is SD Streaming?

SD or “Standard Definition” streaming is streaming with a resolution at or below 480 pixels (remember that pixels are the smallest unit of color information that can be displayed on a user’s screen). Despite its name, SD is no longer the gold standard for video and is considered relatively low, especially for such a highly competitive niche as video streaming. Video in SD resolution usually has an aspect ratio of 4:3, which was once famous for old TVs and is not adapted for modern smartphones and widescreen displays.

In the next decade, this format will disappear and will not be supported by streaming platforms. However, at the moment, while there are Internet users with poor connection quality and low bandwidth, SD may be your only available option to establish a connection with them.

What Is HD Streaming?

HD stands for “High Definition” and is the industry standard. Regarding technical specifications, it describes videos with resolutions ranging from 720p to 1080p.

The video in this resolution looks much sharper and smoother than in SD format. At the same time, even more advanced resolution standards have appeared in recent years, so we definitely shouldn’t expect this technology to be with us for many years.

What Is 4K Streaming?

4K streaming is the highest-quality resolution on all popular streaming platforms. In practice, 4K can be presented in 3840 x 2160 and 4096 x 2160. It is also important to note that the only technology for transmitting 4K traffic is streaming over the Internet, which is impossible for satellite and cable television.

Even though advanced formats such as 5K and 6K have appeared in recent years, they are currently unavailable for streaming activities (and 4K is the highest allowable parameter).

Most viewers who want to see video in 4K resolution on their screens are owners of large-format computer displays and televisions.

What is the difference between SD and HD for live streaming? Read more in Gyre’s Blog.



Gyre Pro

Gyre Pro is a continuous streaming tool that provides creators with every advantage to increase key channel metrics in a safe and easy manner.