DAY 4 : Places You Want To Visit

3 min readAug 5, 2023



My city doesn’t have it, doesn’t have the museum that I expect. The definition of the museum from myself is not only any of the objects associated with a place without having meaning, but the object or artificial that has a meaning behind it. I enjoy looking at what is provided in the museum, especially the art gallery. Maybe I don’t know what the original meaning of the art is. But I like to expect or create my own meaning according to the visualization that I see.

Prefer a peaceful and undisturbed museum like the picture I provide. Providing chairs in various spots to just take a break or stop by to look at the paintings displayed. I like the vibe released by the museum. I truly want to visit that museum.

Amusement Park

Returning to childhood. Visiting an amusement park that aims to please the figure of a child in me. I can count with my fingers how many times I went to the amusement park. Because my family always refuses to go there. Possibly because of the span of my age from those which makes them unwilling to come into a place that is surrounded by children. I don’t even remember if I have been riding a carousel… or something else. How the euphoria that I used to feel, I can’t memorize it. Someone take me to the amusement park, please. No matter how small or big, whether or not the contents of the amusement park are, I still want to go there even if only buying snacks that are like eating cotton candy that they usually hang.

City Walk or Road

A place that has large and cleared streets specifically used for pedestrians. I took satisfaction in the journey that required me to walk. Walking stopping in tourist attractions in the surrounding area, which we can go through on foot. Walking is exciting because you can see around in more detail, see the food sold along the side of the road, see vehicles passing by, and take momentary pictures with interesting objects on the sidewalk. The city road will be far comfortable if the sidewalk can be free from traders and vehicles that park. Unfortunately, there are still many city roads that don’t facilitate pedestrians well and safely. I hope that someday I can visit the entire city road with a feeling of safety.




Writing is my fav day-to-day