Why you should apply for the Udacity-Google scholarship

George Szabo
4 min readOct 8, 2017


This is for beginners or those who have never coded before, as well as for someone who already graduated from the previous Android Basics Scholarship.

It was less than a year ago when I received the e-mail that I had been selected for the Android Beginner scholarship of Udacity. I was more than happy, but I had not expected my life to change as much as it eventually did. So, if you came across the ads seeking applicants just like I did a year ago, and if you keep asking yourself if you should apply for one of the seats, just like I did at the time, then I have an answer for you.

The short answer is: YES! Why not?

My life completely changed since then. I started as a code virgin, meaning that I had never written a single line of code before my scholarship started, and now? I work for one of the best Hungarian mobile agencies and I have my first app published in the Google Play Store (It’s called Alfred, and it helps you get your next remote job), which I keep developing and improving. Sounds neat, right?

My Android Basics Nanodegree by Google on my desk @CodeYard

And I’m lovin’ it! As the slogan says, but for real!

Developing apps is something I wanted to do for years, but I had never taken the first steps, or if I took some minor ones, like installing an IDE (Integrated Development Environment, a kind of software that allows you to develop programs and apps), I did not have the endurance and the motivation to push myself through the initial challenges. Becoming a developer always seemed to be a way too unreachable achievement.
Today, I am a Junior Android Developer, and so are many of my fellow students from the previous scholarship.

So if you ever wondered what it takes to become a developer and you have a desire to become one, this scholarship is for you.

Why? Let me tell you.

If you get selected:

  • You will learn step by step with the guidance of professional developers from Google, who are fun to watch and listen to.
  • You will get professional help from Udacity mentors if you get stuck. They will even help you schedule your learning sessions and give feedback on your work, which I can attest to them being very good at. The whole Udacity family is keen on helping you proceed and improve your code and yourself as a developer.
  • You will build your own apps (as for the web developer applicants- your first webpages =)) and it will make you feel happy, accomplished and proud.
  • You will meet unbelievable people and help each other along the way. There is something romantic about it. I mean you will work together with people who you might never meet in person.
  • Upon completion, you will receive a certificate. I have framed mine and keep it on my desk to remind myself of how proud I am of this achievement.

As mentioned earlier, the short answer is: Yes, you should apply for the scholarship. You can’t lose anything, but you can win a lot.

What did I win?

  • A new job at CodeYard, where we build cool stuff every day and still have a lot of fun.
  • A new mindset, that I am capable of anything.
  • A whole lot of inspiration.
  • Friends that I will definitely stay in touch with.
  • I was lucky enough to get invited to GDD Europe, Google’s biggest event in Europe organized in Krakow, where I got the chance to meet Googlers from all over the world and got inspired by great talks about the latest technologies and updates of Android, Google Cloud, Firebase and many more.
Me and my colleagues from CodeYard

The Udacity Scholarship really changed my life, for the better (here’s my previous more detailed article about this), as it will yours if you start and do your best to finish it.

I am writing this article because I want people who can’t imagine that they are capable of learning programming to realize that they are! Udacity and Google did a great job to put together the curriculum, so it is up to you to take advantage of it.
On the other hand, please also apply responsibly. If you are not serious about trying and you are not willing to work hard, please think twice before taking away someone else’s opportunity to do so.

If I could do it, you can do it!
I hope we meet in the next round!

Ps. If you are wondering:

This article is not sponsored by Google or by Udacity. I wrote this from the bottom of my heart, as I am super grateful for all that the scholarship offered me and I wish you the best if you decide to apply.

Btw, you can apply here! You have less than a week now!

