30 Things On Turning 30

Pt 1: Positive mindsets and perspectives in life

11 min readAug 3, 2020
Photo by Greg Rakozy, Unsplash.

Note: I’m splitting the article into two parts as I expect 30 things to be pretty lengthy.

When I turned 28, I made a conscious decision to live as though I have only two years left in life. Despite the attempt to live as if every day might be my last, there are many things I’ve yet to experience and wished I had more time for. I can imagine that would be the same whether I’m 40, or 50, or 60.

Nevertheless, looking at the life I’ve lived (as opposed to the one I’ve missed), I am grateful that nothing much has changed except a mind that has been hardened by reality. Amidst all, here are some perspectives that have helped me get through life — experiences that those in their 20s will probably resonate with.

  1. Positive Mindsets That Carried Me Forward
  2. Seeing Life Through Different Lenses
  3. Practicing Self-care And Self-Love

Positive Mindsets To Embrace

Every one has their own struggles. It’s not always pink and rosy as you might see on one’s social media accounts. With the looming doubts and pessimisim, these frames of thoughts are what brought me some light.

#1 Recognise what’s within and outside…




Crypto and NFT enthusiast @ www.ennetht.com. I write to lay out theses and ideas in my head.