It’s All About The Community Of NFTs

Why community is the most important evaluation metric for any NFT project

6 min readSep 17, 2021

I’ve always thought I understood the definition of a community.

Community, /kəˈmjuːnɪti/ (noun):

  • a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common
  • the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common

A term to define a group of like-minded people, I suppose. Pretty straight forward right? Let’s think again.

Communities And NFTs

My first conception of NFT Communities is around Art NFTs. As artists take their works onto NFTs, it’s important for them to already have an audience who would be willing to pay dollars for their art. Therein I deduced that successful NFT artists must either:

  1. Have a large audience outside of the NFT space
  2. Managed to cultivate a sizeable community before dropping their work as NFTs

While it is a logical deduction, it’s an oversimplification that has failed to capture the nuances of a community.

A Traditional Art Gallery VS An Online Gallery




Crypto and NFT enthusiast @ I write to lay out theses and ideas in my head.