5 Mindful Thoughts To Better Your Relationships

On people, love, and life

5 min readSep 6, 2020
Photo by Everton Vila, Unsplash.

Turning 30 is exciting.

You have not only the right amount of wisdom and sanity to make the best life choices, but also the vitality of your prime to help realise your goals. Unlike the brazen you in your 20s, you know not to make the same rash mistakes and also to make the most of the limited time and energy you have left.

I was always a people person. I have loved just as I have caused hurt, but I have learnt too. And here are some reminders I tell myself to treat people better, and to treat myself better.

1. Treasure your loved ones for life is transient

There is an analogy of your life being like a bus ride. People get on and off the bus, and most people will not stay with you throughout the entire journey.

Previously, I perceived the bus as my universe, and we have to value the opportunity we get with every one that comes into our lives. The truth is, you are a passenger in many other buses, and regardless of which bus you are on, you will alight some day.

With age, you see more and more of this passing, and no it doesn’t get easier — you just learn to deal with it in your own ways. The recent pandemic that has taken many of the…




Crypto and NFT enthusiast @ www.ennetht.com. I write to lay out theses and ideas in my head.