Amanpuri Exchange
2 min readMay 15, 2019

11% of Americans own bitcoin.

Awareness of Bitcoin is increasing!

Eleven percent of Americans own bitcoin, said investment fund Spencer Ghatt.

Analysis data on BTC’s demographic trends were posted on his blog on April 30.
This survey is an expanded version of the previous demographic survey released by the company in October 2017, targeting 2052 American adults between April 23, 2019 and April 25, 2019. It was implemented.
According to the survey results, there are more to be found about the six key aspects of BTC’s awareness, familiarity, understanding, sentiment, buying habits, and ownership in the United States.

The survey results show that the indicator has risen dramatically since October 2017, despite the 2017 bull market and the 2018 bear market.
The survey also shows that BTC is a “mega trend in demographics” led by young people aged 18 to 34.
According to the survey, the only aspect that the elderly share with the young is awareness.
The majority of Americans know BTC, regardless of age, and that proportion has increased from 77% in October 2017 to 89% in April 2019.

With regard to holding, Americans who have invested in BTC accounted for 20% at 18–34 and 15% at 35–44.
The 45–54 and 55–64 are both 5%, and the retirees of 65 and over are 2%.

According to another study conducted in early April, about 3% of American retirees have bitcoin.

The fact that the release of this data makes it clear that the number of people participating in the virtual currency market is increasing is more conviction!
The degree of recognition has gradually increased, and it seems that more and more people are investing!

The United States has a large population, so a few percent increase will have a big impact.

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