Amanpuri Exchange
3 min readMay 14, 2019

It is not 0 that you may not be able to use your money.

If “Your money can’t be used anymore”
What if you were told?

Whether it is pole theory or not, it is good to refer to this content as one of the information.

Arthur Hayes, CEO of the Cryptographic Currency Exchange, BitMEX, told in an interview that in every five years the governments of all countries expected to ban “the use of cash in banknotes and coins”, thereby making bitcoin etc. He said that the adoption of crypto assets could rapidly increase.

Arthur Hayes may be the first nation to stop India and China from using cash such as banknotes and coins when answering an interview from Luke Martin, founder of the cryptocurrency information platform “Venture Coinist” And, he said he thought that people would notice money privacy issues by making cash unusable.
“From a visionary perspective, financial privacy will be lost in about five years.
That’s because if you go to China and try to buy a drink at a bar, you can not use RMB or cash in most places.
You take out the phone to make a payment and scan the barcode with WeChat’s payment app.
However, it is the centralized “Tencent” that owns data on all these payments.
The last frontier left is money.
I think that China and India will initially ban cash, but all governments in the east and west will ban cash in the next five years.
People will then realize what privacy really means in the financial sector. “

On November 8, 2016, the Government of India issued an urgent statement stating that the country’s large banknotes, “Prohibit the use of 500 and 1,000 rupee notes from tomorrow,” will be issued.

The decision has been reported to have caused a great deal of confusion in India at the time, and an elderly woman who committed the misconception that “the assets she had stored was turned into waste” committed suicide.

The main objectives of this decision are the eradication of illegal trade and the spread of electronic money payments.

The ban on cash will inevitably increase the number of users of electronic money, enabling the government to closely check the flow of money recorded in digital form.

The Indian government’s decision has actually led to a surge in e-commerce, and e-payment service giant Pay TM has announced a 200% increase in the number of app downloads just the day after its announcement .

Arthur Hayes has previously issued a warning about “the privacy issue brought about by cashless” and explains that Bitcoin (BTC) will be the “key” to protect privacy when a cashless society comes true You

Most of the mainstream electronic money is currently managed by a specific company that manages all transaction information, and if such companies etc. need it, information such as “who, when, where, what, and how much were purchased” All can be confirmed.

It can be said that this is an effective means to solve problems such as unpaid taxes, but which company manages the information?
There is still a problem with that, and if taxes continue to be raised further, “traceable money” is expected to be a major source of distress for the general public.

In the case where the use of cash was totally banned
“Privacy protected money”
It is expected that there will be no doubt that the demand for is likely to rise, so Hayes believes that the adoption of virtual currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) may then be exponential.

At present, there is no plan to abolish cash so far, but since it is certain that cashless efforts are under way, “use of banknotes and coins” will also be in Japan in the next five years May be banned.

In Australia, the law prohibits cash payments exceeding A $ 10,000 (approximately 780,000 yen) from July 1 this year.

In Japan, it is thought that the “prohibition of high-value banknotes” will not be carried out suddenly.

However, as stated above, the Japanese government is working towards 80% of “cashless”.

If you take that into account, it is thought that making it more profitable if you digitize it than having cash.

Already in Japan, electronic money is better than tickets when you get on the train.

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