Amanpuri Exchange
3 min readApr 25, 2019

Seven reasons why BTC is "the most interesting asset in the world" 1
"For future assets that exceed gold"

It is good to remember what Bitcoin positives are talking about.

Each consideration is necessary to analyze bitcoin in various ways.

This time, I would like to share with you some of the things considered by Bitcoin as the most interesting asset in the world.

In a blog post published on April 16, 2019, Spencer Bogart, general partner of Blockchain Capital, a blockchain-related investment company, said that the cryptocurrency BTC is the most interesting asset in the world, Bitcoin Explains that it is "a valuable asset with great potential that can create new value."
Taking the example of multiple similarities between "bitcoin" and "real estate," he explains that bitcoin also has unique advantages that real estate does not have, "digital Bitcoin, also known as gold, is also a technology that blurs the line between personal property and real estate.

・ "Precious assets" with a limited number on the earth

One of the similarities between Bitcoin and real estate is that "the number in the world is limited".
Because the land that exists on the earth is limited, the property "land" is traded at a very high price.

Bitcoin is also very rare because it is set to “21 million BTC” as well.

If space development advances and it becomes possible to migrate to "Mars" etc. or if "Naval City" etc. is completed, it is expected that the area of ​​land that can be held as an asset will increase, but Bitcoin's The rarity is absolute.

According to previously reported data, "There will be less than 1% of people in the world who own 0.28 BTC in the future".

If a hard currency fork is used to create an alternative cryptocurrency to bitcoin, it seems that the rarity of bitcoin diminishes, but the cryptocurrency created by branching from bitcoin so far If you look at it, it is thought that there will be no significant fluctuation of Bitcoin's rarity and value.

・ Bitcoin is easy to store, manage and carry

Bitcoin has "a unique advantage not found in real estate."
Although you can not carry real estate, you can carry bitcoins and can move assets freely across borders.

Real estate costs money to maintain and manage it, but Bitcoin can be stored easily and safely at low prices without building walls or fences.

Even if you purchase a hardware wallet to manage assets more safely, you only need to pay 10,000 yen to 20,000 yen.

By paying this fee first, you can securely store your valuable cryptographic assets.

・ "We can move at low cost instantly" through the Internet

Bitcoin can be carried around the world, and it can be sent instantly to various places on the earth with little cost if it is sent via the Internet.

It is generally said that 5 to 10% of the trading price will be required when conducting real estate transactions, but bitcoins can be traded at a rate of 1%.

These fees and remittance time can be further reduced by using Lightning Network, which has received particular attention in recent years.

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