How to use OBWallet: A step by step guide

7 min readJun 13, 2023

I.Download OB Wallet

OBWallet is a lightning network wallet app that provides a platform for simple, instantaneous Bitcoin/Omnilayer asset payments. It can store BTC and tokens based on Omni protocol. The APP is a non-custodial wallet, no need to trust any third party, free and safe.

To create a new wallet, you have to install the app first. You need to go to the official repository to download the stable release to your Android device and install it. The logo of the testnet edition has the watermark “TESTNET”. Make sure you choose the correct network edition to install:

The following operations use the testnet edition, and the functions of the mainnet edition is exactly the same.

Currently, OBWallet supports Android phones only. My phone configuration is as follows:

Processor: 3.3GHz Snapdragon 870 Octa-core


Storage: 256GB

OS: Android 13

II. Create or Recover a wallet

After installing the OB Wallet on your phone, continue reading the next step to figure out how to create an account:

Open wallet:You can choose to create a new wallet, or restore an old wallet from a backup. I will show you how to recover later.

Create wallet

Click NEW WALLET, then:

1.Fill in the password;

2.Confirm the password;

3.Click “NEXT”

It takes a while here to sync some data from the network. I waited about 20 seconds. Because OBWallet is a non-custodial wallet, it needs to synchronize the latest block header data to the local.

Created successfully. After the data is synchronized, a 100% progress bar will be displayed in the upper right corner, and you can see that the wallet address has been generated. The testnet APP shows two tokens by default, one is the BTC, and the other is the stablecoin Dollar for testing. The mainnet edition also has two tokens by default, the BTC and USDT. The USDTs here were issued via the Omnilayer protocol. You can check the circulation, property ID, and other information on the Tether website.

Now I haven’t funded the wallet yet, nor created a lightning network channel, so the Amount shows 0.

Backup wallet

Backing up your wallet is very important. If you forget your password, delete your wallet by mistake, or lose your phone, you can restore all your assets from the backup, including assets on the main chain and assets in the Lightning Network channels.

There are two kinds of backups, one is to sync data to your Google Cloud storage, and you need to have a Google account. In the pop-up page, choose to authorize the app to access Google, and that’s it. The app will automatically sync data to your Google Drive. The other is to back up locally, which is, in a folder of the mobile phone. If your mobile phone is lost, the backup files will also be lost. Therefore, if you back up to a local folder, then you need to synchronize the mobile phone files to your computer or other places in real-time, so as to avoid the loss of assets caused by the loss of the mobile phone.

I recommend users back up to Google Cloud Storage, which is the safest and most convenient.

After the creation is successful, click the menu in the upper right screen to start backing up the wallet:

Click“Backup Now”. On the Google authentication page that pops up, choose to authorize app access. At the same time, the app will also save a copy of the data locally. Once authorized, the APP will automatically sync data to your Google Drive if there are any new statuses, and you will not need to manually backup anymore:

Now we have a new lightning wallet created. Congratulations.

Recover wallet

Recover wallet refers to the data that has been backed up before, and uses these data to recover assets and channel data.

After the installation is complete, open the OB Wallet and click “RECOVER”.

1. Select the location of data: Google Drive or Local Directory (local directory);

2. Click“START

Then set wallet password:

1.Enter password;

2.Enter the password again;


Click “NEXT”, enter the wallet

III. Receive、Send、Channel、GIFT


Via BTC address:

Click the copy icon in the red box to copy the receiving address (this address receives money through the main chain) to the clipboard and send it to the payer.This address is a main chain address. The payer will cost a high miner fee if he transfers to your main chain address.

You can also click “Receive”, select “via BTC address”, share the screenshot of the QR code or copy the receiving address to the payer:

Via Lightning Network invoice

Click Receive,Select “via invoice”

If you have not created a channel, you need to create a channel before you can create an invoice (see below to create a CHANNEL). On the pop-up creation invoice page, select BTC, USDT, or other token in the Asset drop box, enter the amount in the Amount row, and click next to create an invoice. The default timeout period is 24 hours, that is to say, the payer can pay you within 24 hours. After 24 hours, this invoice will become invalid. Both the QR code and the string in the picture can be shared to the payer.


Click the scan button to scan the QR code you want to pay:

After scanning the receiving address, click the “NEXT” button:

Payment details appear, click “PAY” after confirmation:

Payment succeeds:

Create Channel

Click “+Channel”

Click the plug icon to select a remote Lightning Network node to establish a channel, or click “Fill in manually” below to manually enter the remote node information:

1. Enter the amount you want to fund the channel;

2. Select the corresponding token symbol;

3. Click “CREATE”

The channel creation process is a process of broadcasting funding transactions on the BTC main chain. Since the main chain has a very low TPS, it may take hours to successfully create a channel. Please be patient during this process:

The yellow dot above indicates that the channel is being created, and it will change to a green dot after the creation is successful. At the same time, in the asset row on the home screen, 30 dollars is displayed in the Lightning Network.


Send lucky money to friends
Click the lightning symbol on the main screen to enter the lightning network screen.

Select “Gift”:

Enter the amount and number of packages to be distributed, and click “CONFIRM”

Click the “SAVE” or copy button, share the QR code generated to your social circle, then your friends can scan and collect the money.

Receive lucky money

Click the scan icon on the upper right of the main screen to scan the gift QR code:

Scan the QR code successfully and receive the lucky money.

