New Beginnings: My journey to becoming a Software Engineer again!

Haarika Ramadugu
4 min readJan 7, 2022


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As a young child growing up in the 1990s in India, Computers had this magical mysticism about them. So in my 8th grade, when our school introduced computer programming coursework, I was ecstatic. Though it was an introductory course, it was sufficient to turn the fascination into an interest. To explore more, I chose programming as an elective subject in 11th and 12th grade, which eventually led to computer science as my major in engineering.
During my bachelor’s, I had many courses covering basics from programming to database systems. Some tickled my fancy, some I endured. Not sure where it all fits in. But writing code programming is something I enjoyed immensely. I continued to explore my interest in programming by taking part in programming workshops. During the group project in the final year, most parts of the previous three years came together. Yes, I enjoyed programming; however, understanding how each part of a software project interacts came as a great revelation. The last four years fell into place, and my liking for programming and decision to take up computer science made sense retrospectively. My journey into the programming world led to the real world.

I graduated with a Computer science degree. But it took me no time to find out that formal training has not prepared me for the real world. I believed that I needed some more formal training in “real-world technologies.” So I attended various coaching centers and completed certification on tools like the IBM-rational tester tool, and Big Data Hadoop. After multiple trials in the job market, I got a job as a Customer support executive. Though not directly related to the job I was looking for, I realized, that since they support one of the largest eCommerce giants, I will work closely with the development team to understand the business flow. Within four months, I got to opportunity to work in the development center, where I would stay back with the engineers to understand the issues raised by customers. That helped me be better at my job and helped me understand how the code flow works, giving insights into software development. Working with different tech teams sparked an interest in problem-solving which led to rethinking my career choices.

Though I have a degree in Computer Science, I never got an opportunity to use the degree. I am a self-learner and I taught myself Java, but I also lacked proper guidance and discipline. After talking to a few of my friends, I decided to join a Bootcamp. Considering which BootCamp to join was itself a difficult task. After giving technical assessments and interviews at different boot camps, I was accepted at Flatiron School!!!!!

Well, my journey does not end here. The past 15 weeks have been crazy and uncomfortable in a good way!!! There were days when I was overwhelmed with the curriculum and days when it felt like I accomplished a lot! There were days I did not feel like doing anything. I suffered from imposter syndrome then and still suffer from it now. But I never gave up because that would only lead to not fulfilling my dreams and not pushing myself enough. I am glad I did not give up! I am proud of myself for staying consistent throughout the program. I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience of becoming a software engineer again at Flatiron School. I have met people, who always motivated me, inspired me to work hard every day, and because of them, I showed up for myself every day! Because of my cohort (Git Lit rocks!!), I had fun these past 15 weeks! It was never a dull moment with them. Apart from that, I have learned a lot about myself. The realizations have shaped me into a better person, both personally and professionally. I am also grateful for everyone who criticized me and doubted my skills. Because of them, I am who I am today!

I hope this article motivates you to never give up on your dream career even though it feels challenging at the start. The feeling of satisfaction is always rewarding when things fall into place and if you are working towards your dream career, NEVER GIVE UP!!!!



Haarika Ramadugu

Full- Stack Engineer Intern, always learning. Showing my perspective of my learnings through writing.