Almacenes San Jose, a deposit stocked with souvenirs

Havana Private Suite
5 min readSep 27, 2018

Did I like Havana? Well, yes. Will I remember it forever? Well, that too. Havana seems to always awake with a smile, no matter how hard its old bones feel about the hangover from the night before. Many people travel to this city out of being snob, others out of curiosity, others, like me, rather dive into its broken realities, mingle with its people and their ordinary lives.

That is I think the best way to know the city; talking to the Cubans and discovering its history. After that, you will decide what version you will keep in your memory. But the truth is that there is something that makes Havana fascinating and drives you to need of getting a piece of it.

Souvenirs from Cuba, a handcraft market

All around the city, and even around the island, you will find souvenir selling places. Some pieces more elaborate than others, but always related to the Cuban culture and traditions. But, if you are looking for an easy and inexpensive place, go to Almacenes San Jose in Old Havana.

Centro Cultural Antiguos Almacenes San Jose

Almacenes San jose is the largest handcraft market in Havana,and maybe in all Cuba. It is on Paula Avenue, very near the romantic Puente Flotante (floating platform) and the Antiguo Almacen de Tabaco y la Madera (old warehouse for tobacco and timber). The walk along this avenue in the early hours of the day is like walking on any old colonial promenade: on one side Havana Harbor and on the other, old and elegantly preserved buildings. So, if you visit the warehouse you will also discover this beautiful area in the historical center of the capital.

Entering this enormous place that has four big warehouse sections, may fill you with dismay. It is like a mall in Christmas or when there are discounts. But enjoy the experience, and try to remember everything you see. I am saying this because some products are repeated in various stands; and do not rush, choose the best prices or whatever you like the most.

What can you buy?

The first thing that calls the attention at the entrance are the paintings. Big canvas, engravings and reproductions highlight the Cuban traditions like cigars, coffee, and African Cuban religions; others show something more ordinary like classic cars and the mulattas, as well as beautiful images of city and countryside landscapes. Besides, Fondo de Bienes Culturales (government institution for the commercialization of art and handcraft) has a stand where reproductions and silk screen prints of the best Cuban art from all times are sold.

If you continue your tour, you will see many peculiar objects and materials. The almendron (classic American car) is recreated in many shapes and materials. They can be made of wood, metal or recycled soda cans. This is one of the most generalized trends in Havana’s handcraft fairs, where diverse objects are reproduced using recycled can of Cuban beverages.

There are handcrafts of all kind, decoration objects made of clay, the famous humidors, key chains, handbags, cell phones protectors among others. In this place, you can also find the Cuban shirt called guayabera, typically used by the farmers and adapted to moderns fashion trends. The embroidery techniques used in the confection of table linen, dresses, shirts, pants, hankies and shawls are very interesting and extraordinary.

An important section in the market and many visitors prefer is the shoe section. From very accurate imitations of the trendiest models to the most classic and purely handmade shoes. These shoes highlight for their durability in most cases.

Many necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings with many shapes and decorations are in the market. From the finest silver complements to those made with various materials like shell, winkle or seeds, they all for sure will get the attention of those Cubans and foreign people that go and see.

In order to give souvenirs an identity brand, many of the articles have written “Cuba” somewhere, like the caps, necklaces, cups. In the same way is the Cuban flag present in most of the objects for sale. And if not, you can always ask the seller to print this symbols to any object you decide to buy. A suggestion to buy: domino, which is very popular in Cuba is very much liked by visitors and children.

And as the Caribbean island is so musical, the instruments used to make the different Cuban musical genres are also big part of the market. The guitar, the guiro, the claves, the maracas and the drums resound in the city, and this place is ideal to get one of these instruments so important in the Cuban music history.

A warning! Like in many other places happen, when you are a foreign person the sellers try to raise the prices, so be prudent, observe and ask before buying anything.

Other choices to buy souvenirs

In Havana and in the rest of the island there are many places to buy souvenirs, but this one is, unquestionably, the most complete. I can also suggest La Rampa handcraft fair, or Obispo Street’s market. Besides, there are some state- run shops where souvenirs are sold. Mainly in hotels and in central areas of the city you will be able to find many private-owned souvenir stands.

Cuba in your memory no matter where you are from

Souvenirs of all kind, for all types of tastes: the largest place for selling souvenirs in Cuba is Almacenes San Jose. If you liked Havana like I did, take with you a memory for your enjoyment, your family’s, your colleagues’ or friends’, just as you wish.

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