The Havana’s Malecon, its great monuments and curiosities — III

Havana Private Suite
6 min readNov 16, 2017


You can reach Avenida del Puerto in many different ways. Of course, you can do it by car, take a cocotaxi or a bus. But also on foot, qoing ahead from Vedado along all the littoral, or from Old Havana going through its crowded streets.

These journeys always surprise the voyager, no matter whether he does it thousands of times. For instance, on the Avenida del Puerto, from the Chacon Street until Los Marinos bar restaurant, there are several stories on the corners.

We invite you to meet them together with us, are you interested?

A great monument for a great man

The Luz y Caballero Park is on the interception of Avenida del Puerto and Chacon St. It’s located right in front of the San Carlos Seminar, very close to one of the fragments of the Wall of Havana which is still there.

The park is distinguished by the width of its gravel path, its simple lamp streets, and in the center, the statue of Jose de la Luz y Caballero casted in bronze on a granite pedestal.

Luz y caballero was one of the greatest Cuban pedagogues of the 19th century. It’s considered the schoolmaster par excellence and promoter of conscience shaper, promoter of the Cuban national identity. The Cubans from the 20th century wanted to pay tribute to his legacy and initiated a campaign, thanks to the Sociedad Economica de Amigos del Pais (Economical Society of the Country’s friend), in order to erect a monument in his memory.

In the statue, the maestro looks thoughtful. On the frontal side of the base, two of his greatest thoughts that can be read on a plaque:

“Educating is not only giving a career to live, but getting the soul for life.”

The other fragment inscribed on the plaque, we invite you to read it when you visit the park.

At both sides of the base, moments of Jose de la Luz y Caballero’s life are embossed. On the rear side, two plaques, one states it was erected by popular subscription and the other one states that it was…

“Inaugurated on February 24th, 1913, being the President of the Republic the General Jose Miguel Gomez.”

A work of the architect, Charles Cousin and the sculptor, Julien A. Lorieux, both French, the monument was situated in the esplanade of La Punta until 1926, date in which it was moved to where it is nowadays.

To the east and western ends of the Luz y Caballero park, both busts pay tribute to Jose Antonio Saco and Felix Varela, other two important thinkers of the Cuban 19th century.

The God of waters and seas

Let’s cross the avenue and in the sidewalk that is near the wall, the Pila de Neptuno or “Neptunito” awaits you.

You might be wondering if this is, strictly, a monument, whether it is not dedicated to any fact or historical figure. Well, a monument is also that sculptural or architectural work that has artistic value and this white marble sculpture has plenty of values.

The fountain has a square pedestal, having in the different sides, spouts with the shape of the heads of men and fish. Three shells of a standard size received the liquid that finally poured over the moat and around the pedestal. On the highest top, of course, the image of god Neptuno with his trident looking through the city.

At the beginning it was also known as the Fountain of Commerce or the Fountain of Tacon and the explanation is right on the front side of the pedestal, where you can read:

“From Captain-General, Don Miguel Tacon, to the Commerce of Havana.”

It’s worth explaining that Don Miguel Tacon was governor of the Cuban Island between 1834 and 1838 and he was a great promoter of the public works.

The Neptunito went on a pilgrimage during many years and due to different reasons. From its original location across from the Castillo de la Real Fuerza (the Royal Force Castle), it was in Paseo del Prado, the Parque de la Punta and even the Villalon Park, located on Calzada between C and D Sts. It wasn’t till 1997 that the Office of the City’s Historian placed it back in the littoral, very close to its first location.

A true curiosity

Near there, you’ll certainly find something that will call your attention.

A plaque half forgotten, dull due to the effects of the salt residue as time went by, records the leaving of the Bulgarian Navy Captain, Gueorgui Gueorguiev, on December 20th, 1977 towards a journey around the world.

It is said that it was a symbol of friendship what made him chose Havana as a starting and returning point. And it’s also said that he traveled in a yacht, all alone, and he was lucky, although it took him a year to finally made it.

The fact, almost lost in history, was told in the plaque that awaits the most curious voyagers. What’s peculiar is that many Cubans don’t know about it existence and even the historical fact it is related to. Thus, you have the opportunity of taking the initiative.

The last of its monuments

On the opposite sidewalk, a plaque immortalizes the names of the sailors that died during the fulfillment of their duty during the Second World War.

On top of it, human figures combined with navy elements. Human figures that fight or that have been torn down. All, on a high stone column.

A hardly known monument in the city that is at the reach of your camera.

With the final period, a coming headline

At this point, you are very close to El Templete restaurant and Los Marinos Bar Restaurant. Sit down on one of its tables and ask for a cocktail or a beer, a soft drink or some coffee, ask whatever you want, but don’t miss the chance of celebrating a day that could be unforgettable for you.

Originally published at



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