GRAPHICS DESIGN: The Misconceived Beliefs

Habeebullah Oyekola
4 min readJul 5, 2022


Image Credit: LinkedIn


Alpha and Omega, we thank Thee, thanks to my mummy and daddy for bringing me to this world, thank you my fanz, for believing in me, thanks to me, myself, and I for not relenting (wink), for pushing through the first half of the year 2022. (curtain falls)

Many times, I just have to wonder why most people have the perceptions they have about graphics design. Location, orientation, amongst others seems to carry the highest determining factors that led to those perceptions Whilst the location been unchangeable, the orientation can change and this is what this article tend to do. Grab a bag of popcorn, bottle of soda and let us ride.

Some of you for un-understandable reasons believe that graphics design is a thing of leisure or something that is done with some swing of Harry Potter’s magic wand thus leading them to consider it less of a big deal…

…saying funny things like, “shebi it is just to arrange the text and add the colours?” “It should not take you more than 10minutes, quickly run it for me”. “Could you add a touch of red to make it pop? It is too bland I want it colourful”.

This belief has made many believe the value a designer will deliver is not worth the price attached. Value — the designer doesn’t just charge you for that output that is delivered to you, the processes (from brief to the final output) involved in getting the job done is value. No matter how simple you could imagine, it takes some processes to produce it. I have come across a client who said he would pay more than 25% of what I charged him saying it is just a simple design. He even mentioned he knows how to do it but just did not have the time and it has been long he designed himself.

Bottom-up Approach…

Sir/Ma, as long as a design is of acceptable standard — follows the principle of design to meet visual balance and communicate the right information, it is worth the VALUE.

Negotiation? Yes, you thought it right. Negotiation is part of business but no trader/businessman/professional would run at loss to satisfy a customer. Designers are business men and business doesn’t work that way, which is why there is a benchmark. If the proposed value doesn’t meet the designer’s benchmark, he wouldn’t agree. In addition, never use the statement — my friend got it done for a lesser price or a designer charged me less the last time. Toyota and Nissan both produce cars but each brand has created different values. I am sure you understand what I am trying to say (moon face)

I know you might have an imagination of what your design should look like in your mind or you probably have seen it somewhere and you want to replicate. Please, don’t forget that your designer is a professional who knows what’s best for you and will advise you accordingly. But that imagination in your head won’t let you agree. You now start saying funny things like “Can you make the picture bigger?” “The fonts are not bold.” “Why didn’t you put background?”

A designer might deem it fit to sieve your content because it is too much or unnecessary but you wouldn’t agree, because “you are the one paying.” — all these and more sometimes derail the designer from giving you the quality delivery you deserve in a bid to satisfy you. Best designs are the simplest, top brands in the world don’t complicate their designs by adding everything even though they have the best creatives for the job

Finally, apart from the above-mentioned observations, it is important for you to remove the following from your perception/beliefs about graphics design;

- Graphics design is easy

- Graphics design is only about creativity

- Anyone who knows the software is a designer

- Good designs are colourful

- Designers just need to execute

- The designed output is the only thing that is important

More about the above highlights will be discussed when next I come your way. Until then, I leave you with appreciation of reading — Gracias. I do hope you’ve learnt one or two, if so, kindly leave a comment. Mera nam Habeebullah A. OYEKOLA, I doff my hat.


