October 28; You exist.

Haikal A.
5 min readDec 23, 2023


God’s most wonderful creations.


In the symphony of life, where each note resonates with the essence of our existence, this journal embarks on a heartfelt celebration of love and joy, weaving a tapestry of emotions that mirrors the lyrical verses of a special song.

As we navigate the intricate passages of this melodic journey, we find ourselves immersed in the moonlit dreams and desires that illuminate the path of our shared experiences.

This narrative unfolds as a luminous tribute to the radiant soul that is Elio Malvin Airlangga, as he gracefully steps into the realm of 25 years.

With each stroke of the pen, every page becomes a canvas, seeking to immortalize moments of love, comfort, and the profound connection that binds us together in a tapestry of shared dreams and aspirations.


In the moon’s finest strength, casting its silvery glow upon the canvas of the night, we find not just illumination but a beacon of hope for a world draped in the radiant fabric of joy. The celestial dance of moonbeams inspires profound reflections on the beauty inherent in life’s highs and lows.

It beckons us to embrace the ebb and flow of our experiences, aiming not just for resilience but the soaring ability to navigate even the overcast weather of challenges with unwavering optimism.

The moon, in its cyclical phases, becomes a metaphor for the cycles of life – each phase contributing to the beauty of the whole, just as every experience, whether joyous or challenging, adds depth and richness to the tapestry of our shared journey.

Ever since our paths intertwined, and our destinies wove together in the intricate dance of life, I have come to realize that you are not just a presence but a perfect complement, a harmonious melody that resonates with the very essence of my being.

Your companionship has been a source of solace, a steady anchor in the unpredictable seas of existence. Reflecting on the moments since I first met you, it becomes evident that you are more than a good match; you are the missing piece that completes the intricate puzzle of my life.

Your laughter has been the melody that accompanies the highs, and your strength has been the anchor during the lows. Together, we have painted a canvas of shared experiences, creating a mural of love, understanding, and unwavering support.

In this journey illuminated by the moon’s gentle glow, we celebrate not just the passing of time but the growth of a connection that has weathered storms and basked in the warmth of sunny days.

Each day with you is a chapter in a book of shared memories, and as we turn the pages, we discover the profound beauty of a love that deepens with every passing moment.


“I want to imprint my face completely in the fragrant palm of your hand.”

These words carry with them the weight of an emotion that stretches beyond the confines of language – a desire to leave an indelible mark on the canvas of our shared existence.

Imagine, if you will, the gentle caress of your hand, an extension of your warmth and love, cradling the contours of my face. In this intimate exchange, there exists a sacred space where time seems to stand still, and the world around us fades into insignificance.

It is within the fragrant palm of your hand that I wish to etch a memory – a memory that serves as a testament to the depth of our connection, a connection that transcends the ordinary and flourishes in the extraordinary.

As my thoughts unfold like the petals of a blossoming flower, I am reminded of the countless moments we have shared – the laughter that echoed through the corridors of time, the silent conversations that spoke volumes, and the profound comfort found in the embrace of your touch.

Each of these moments has woven itself into the fabric of our story, creating a tapestry of shared experiences that defines the unique beauty of our relationship.

I seek to convey more than just words; I aim to articulate the emotion that resides in the silent spaces between syllables – the emotion that finds expression in the desire to leave an impression, not merely on paper, but in the very palm of your hand. It is a sentiment that speaks of vulnerability, trust, and the unspoken understanding that forms the foundation of our connection.


Now, let’s take a moment to turn the spotlight onto you, the radiant soul who stands at the intersection of memories and the promise of countless tomorrows. As you celebrate this incredible milestone of your 25th year, I want to shower you with heartfelt wishes that extend beyond the boundaries of time, reaching into the very core of our shared dreams and aspirations.

On this momentous occasion, I wish for you the kind of joy that bubbles up from the deepest recesses of your heart – a joy that knows no bounds and lingers in the air like the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers. May your days be filled with laughter that echoes through the halls of time, creating a symphony of shared moments that resonate with the love we’ve cultivated together.

As you stand at the crossroads of the past and the future, I wish for you the strength to embrace the lessons of yesterday and the courage to step into the unknown of tomorrow. Each experience, whether a triumph or a challenge, has contributed to the incredible person you are today, and I hope the journey ahead brings you growth, wisdom, and an abundance of beautiful memories.

May your dreams, like stars scattered across the night sky, guide you with their twinkling brilliance. I wish for you the fulfillment of aspirations, the realization of goals, and the unwavering belief in your own potential. Your journey has only just begun, and I am excited to witness the remarkable chapters you will script in the story of your life.

So here’s to you, Kakak, on your 25th birthday – a celebration not just of the years that have passed but of the extraordinary person you are and the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. May this year be a chapter of joy, growth, and boundless love.

With Gratitude, Haikal Abhivandya.

