Beating Procrastination with Pomodoro Technique:

Umm E Habiba
2 min readDec 29, 2023


While preparing for my upcoming January 2023 exams, I decided to give the Pomodoro Technique a shot. I set my timer for 25 minutes, determined to focus solely on the study material. The temptation to check social media arises, but I resist, staying committed to the task. When the timer signals, it’s a moment of victory—I’ve completed the topic. I rewarded myself with small but sweet reward of a candy marking the accomplishment. I repeat this process four times, totaling an hour of intense, focused study.

For each hour invested, I’ve managed to cover a substantial portion of the exam material. As a treat, I grant myself a 30-minute break, watching an episode of my favorite TV series.

Despite the challenges in maintaining focus, the Pomodoro Technique proves effective, helping me tackle a task I’d been avoiding for a week.

Pomodoro Technique

Now, let's zoom out. The Pomodoro Technique, a time-management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s, involves breaking work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. It's designed to improve efficiency, reduce burnout, and enhance focus. Its simplicity and emphasis on rewards make it a popular choice for overcoming procrastination.

Looking ahead, the implications for future learning are promising. By encouraging regular breaks and sustained focus, the Pomodoro Technique could lead to more effective study habits and improved academic performance. It’s a practical approach with a potential long-term impact on how we approach tasks and manage our time.



