5 Writing Myths Every Writer Should Ignore

Habiba Lotfy
6 min readJul 10, 2023


Canva - HL

As we all know writing is an essential form of communication. However, if you pursue a career in writing, you may hear a lot of myths and misconceptions. Lots of people believe that these writing myths are true.
In this article, we’ll explore some myths and facts about writing and I’ll provide some tips and advice to help writers understand more about their career.

As writers, it’s important to distinguish between facts and myths. Here are some myths about writing and the truth behind them:

Myth 1: Write in the morning:

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"Write in the morning" "Write at night"

I used to believe that writing in the morning is better as some people are more focused in the morning but that's not my case.

- I have a schedule that I stick to but I write any time of the day whether morning, afternoon, or at night. Anytime I feel like writing, I write and I stick to my schedule which is publishing 3 articles per week.

- You may post once or twice a week or even every day. But there's no rule telling you to write in the morning only. Write at any time of the day.

- You may be busy in the morning or at the end of the day. So, find the right time for you to write. It doesn't have to be a specific time or the same time every day. Just write.

- The truth is that there's no "right" time of day to write. You write when you're focused and creative.

- If you're a morning person, waking up early and writing for an hour or two before you start your day may be the perfect time for you. If you're a night person, then staying up late and writing into the night might be better for you.

- Everyone's schedule is different, and what works for one writer may not work for another one. And what works for you today may not work for you tomorrow.

- So, create your own schedule and experiment with writing at different times of day till you find the time that suits you best.

Myth 2: Experienced writers never face writer's block:

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- Writer's block is a common problem that any writer including experienced writers struggles with at times.

- If you’re struggling with writing and can’t think of anything or just don’t feel like writing. You're not alone. We've all been there.

- Writer's block happens to almost all writers even writers that have thousands of followers and published hundreds of articles. So it's fine if you can't think of anything to write about.

- If you're still at the beginning of your writing career, It'll definitely get easier over time and you'll be more confident in writing. However, you may still face writer's block and can't think of anything to write which is totally normal.

- My tip for you is to create an inspiring collection. Whenever you think of any idea, write it down. You'll then have a collection filled with ideas that you can write from.

- You can follow other writers in the same field and connect with anyone that looks interesting. They'll inspire you and you'll find yourself having lots of ideas to write about.

- If you see any post or article or blog or even an advertisement that you like on any platform, save it. This will be your collection of inspiration when you're stuck and can't think of anything to write.

Myth 3: Talented writers are born with this talent:

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Some people are born writers, others can learn it.

- Writing, like any skill, can be developed with practice, dedication, and hard work.

- Even talented writers need to put in lots of effort to develop their writing skills.

- Also, every writer has different experiences and exposure to different styles of writing.

- Talent may help in the beginning stages of writing, but what makes a writer successful is the effort and the hard work that they put in their work.

- So, anyone can become a "talented" writer with practice, time, and effort, regardless of whether they were born with this gift or learned it over time.

Myth 4: Editing is the easy part of writing:

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Editing is usually the most challenging part of writing as you need to pay attention to every detail.

- You need to have critical thinking, attention to detail, be persistent, and revise your work multiple times.

- Proofreading, editing, and revising are all important steps in the writing process. They ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and error-free.

- Editing your work includes checking it for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You should proofread your work carefully to catch any errors that you may have missed.

- So, editing isn't the easiest part. It requires attention and concentration to get rid of any mistakes.

Myth 5: Success comes quickly and easily for writers:

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- Success in writing doesn't happen overnight. It requires patience and persistence. Writing takes time, hard work, and lots of effort.

- This myth sets unrealistic expectations for writers. It's true that some writers achieve success in a short period of time but these are only the minority, the reality is that most writers face lots of challenges and setbacks along the way.

- Success rarely comes quickly and easily for writers. Most writers work hard for years to achieve success as the writing process takes lots of time and work.

- So, take your time, work hard and you’ll be able to fulfill your dreams.

Finally, there can be lots of myths that you've heard before and are completely untrue. So don't believe everything you read and don't stress yourself. Every one of us has a different journey. So, do what you believe in and focus on yourself.

What’s a common myth that you’ve heard that’s completely untrue? Let me know in the comments.

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#WritingTips #Writers #Myths #Facts



Habiba Lotfy

Digital Marketer, AI enthusiast, and Writer. Sharing tips and insights on these topics to help you reach your goals with confidence and creativity.