Here’s How To Use Social Media To Build Your Personal Brand

Habiba Lotfy
7 min readMay 31, 2023


Tracy Le Blanc from pexels

Social Media is a great tool to build your personal brand as a writer. So, if you’re a writer on Medium or any other writing platform and you still don’t use social media to promote your work. You may risk getting left behind and less people will see your work. If you want to increase your visibility as a writer, Social media is the tool you need to achieve this goal. Let’s discuss 4 tips to build your personal brand as a writer on Social Media.

Here are Tips to build your personal brand as a writer on Social Media:

1. Update your profiles:

vectorjuice from Freepik

Social media is a powerful tool for writers to market their content. That's why you need to regularly update your social media profiles.

- When writers have updated profiles, they can reach a wider audience and have more credibility.

• Make sure you update your:

- profile and cover images
- short bio to describe who you’re and what you’ll offer.

- business information on LinkedIn or other social media platforms.

- personal information if needed.

- You need to have a clear and concise profile. Use a great profile picture, and tell people what you write about in the About section. You can also categorize your work to make it simple for your audience to find.

- You want to make sure that your social media profiles are professional, informative, and complete.

- By making sure that your profiles are complete, you’ll be able to promote your content, and more people will trust you and read your work.

2. Choose the right platforms:

kaboompics from Freepik

Not all social media platforms are created equal. Some platforms are better for certain types of writers than others.

- There are several platforms that writers can use to publish their work. The right platform for you will depend on your goals as a writer, your niche, your target audience, and your writing style.

- Each platform has a different audience. For Instance, Medium is popular with professional writers, while Instagram is popular with sharing visuals. When you choose a platform, you need to consider who you want to read your work.

- If you want to reach more people, you need to choose a platform with a large audience.

For Instance:

If you market your content as a writer on Facebook, you’ll reach a large audience and more people will know about your work. Unlike if you market your content on Instagram as it’s famous for sharing visuals and reels. So not many people will want to read your articles. That’s why you need to choose the right platform depending on what you do and what you write about.

But you can make your Instagram profile work if you created videos and reels to share instead of sharing long articles. Make a 15-30 seconds reel and share the link to your article and give people a glimpse of what you're offering them.

freepik from Freepik

- If you want to market your content as a writer, you can share your work on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Quora, Reddit, and more platforms.

Check my previous article to know how to use social media to market your content.

- You also need to know that different platforms have different features.

For example:

As I mentioned before, some platforms allow you to share images and videos to your posts, while others do not. So, you need to choose a platform that has the features you need to create the type of content you want.

- No matter which platforms you choose, make sure that you create high-quality content and promote your work in the right way. With hard work and dedication, you can build a successful writing career.

3. Share your work: from Freepik

One of the best ways to build your personal brand as a writer is to share and promote your work on social media. This will make your content visible to more people.

- The more people who see your work, the more likely you’ll get noticed by potential readers and new audiences.

- When you share your work on social media platforms, you need to choose the right platform.

For instance:

If you write about business topics or work-related topics, LinkedIn will be a good platform for you.
If you write about creative topics and prefer using visuals, Instagram or Pinterest may be a better choice.

- When you share your work on social media, use eye-catching visuals. These visuals may be images, videos, infographics or any other catchy visuals.

Visuals help grab people’s attention and make them interested to read your work.

freepik from Freepik

- When you share your work on social media, write a strong headline. Don’t just share your work and hope that people will recognize it. Use a headline to catch their attention and explain what you’ll offer them in that article.

- The headline is the first thing people will see when they come across your post, so it's important to make it strong. It should be clear and attention-grabbing.

- After sharing your work, using visuals and writing a catchy headline.

You must include a call to action.

You must tell people what you want them to do after they read your work.
Do you want them to clap on your article? comment? Share it with their friends? Make sure to include a call to action in your post to make sure that people will know what to do next.

4. Promote your work: (the most important tip)

storyset from Freepik

Did you share your work on several social media platforms? That's great! But did you promote your work?

- Promoting your work on social media means sharing it with others on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

- Someone might say that I already shared my work on social media but no one liked it. You need to put your work in front of people to make sure that they see it. from Freepik

- You can promote your work by sharing links to your blog posts, articles, or stories on different groups on Facebook or LinkedIn.

- You can also promote your work by sharing it on Twitter and using a certain hashtag.

- Also, you can promote your work by participating in discussions and groups related to your writing.

- Check this article to join several groups that'll help you promote your content.

- Don’t just share your work once and forget about it. Promote your work regularly on social media. This could include sharing it on your own profile or promoting it in groups and communities related to your writing.

When you share your work on social media, you need to engage with your readers and people who might be interested. So, If you're not using social media to build your personal brand, you're missing out on the chance to share your work and widen your audience.

Also, Consistency is Key so post regularly, and be active and creative. The more you write valuable content, the more known and followed you'll become.

Finally, don't forget to genuinely read other writers' articles and support their work.



Habiba Lotfy

Digital Marketer, AI enthusiast, and Writer. Sharing tips and insights on these topics to help you reach your goals with confidence and creativity.