It is too easy to walk away from a friendship.

3 min readFeb 20, 2015


In our life, there are way more relationship that we fucked up, than the one that works.

Yes, we meet a lot of people along the way of our living. From kindergarten to college. I do still remember the name and the faces of my kindergarten friends, but it’s kind of blurry. I also still remember some flash moments like running off the street pretending we were power rangers. Or, tossing a dragon ball cards to win your enemy’s cards. I remember that particular names of people that I have these moments with. Where are they right now? If we meet, will they still remember me the way I remember them?

Memories would mean less if there are no people to share them. That’s why, lately I’ve been thinking why it is important to maintain your friendship. I remember all these moments, but it’s just….that. If only I could share them with people in the stories. I bet there will be laughter, and a euphoria as well. It would be really nice, that small moments means as much on others to you.

But, the fact is, there are too many problem on this kind of situation. Firstly, they might not remember it the way we remember it. We would’ve had different point of view, ergo, different feelings. Secondly, they probably had already changed. In the end, those nice little memories will neither faded then gone nor just staying afloat in your brain.

This stuff gives me an itch. What if I grew old one day, and millions of these kind of memories? Wouldn’t that be depressing? The point about sharing your memories with the people in the memories, is to relive it. To know that they have same kind of feeling and have the same laugh or pain, makes the memories more alive than images in your head. That’s how important it is to have them to share that memories. To have a nostalgic partners.

it is too easy to walk away from a friendship.

The hard thing about that, though, it is too easy to walk away from a relationship. People do change, and so does feeling. Being apart, and having different situation and activities will increase the probability of losing a relationship. It’s a cliché stories to have friends, then you came apart, you try to meet up, got no time, you re-scheduled, and another re-scheduled, then one you meet up the time was too little and that warm atmosphere had already gone. Maintaining a relationship is one of the art of the universe I will never understand.

This thought leads to one wish of mine. I want to have a nice café somewhere with view and nice weather where each year any people in my life, high school friends, college friends, work colleagues, or families, would have a nice little barbecue party. We would be watching sunset on a highland or the beach and stay up all night singing and talking.

This way, those people might still change. But, this way I would watch them changing. I would understand what changes them. It would be really nice to watch people in your life grow into someone and still telling stories about the good old days along the way.


