Ted-Ed Video Summary: Why you procrastinate even when it feels bad — 3 Key Takeaways.

3 min readOct 28, 2022


Alright, let’s get stared!

1. Procrastination isn’t necessary a bad thing.

In fact, It’s actually the necessary prioritize mechanism that keep you away from getting stuck in the unimportant tasks.

Procrastination is when we avoid a task we said we would do for no good reason, despite expecting our behavior to bring negative consequences.

2. It’s your best body coping mechanism.

Imagine that a task is like “a big monster” for your body. This is derive from the fact that you feel unease thinking about it.

What is the first thing you would do when a big lion approaching you?

Yes. You will run. And this is not a bad thing, this is a prove that your body are working as it way it supposed to does.

Such as dread, incompetence, insecurity

The problems is somehow this “monster” become more scary the more you procrastinate it (the pressure is tighten)

The perception of the difficulty in task is increase the more we procrastinate.

3. You care too much and afraid of messing it up.

We found that actually, it’s not that we are being lazy so that we delay the task. It’s actually because we just simply care too much. In other word, we have high anxiety on it. This is nothing but a catalyst to the Flight response.

We afraid that our work won’t live up to our high standards.
Frequent procrastinators are prone to suffer from negative emotion.

So, how to cope with procrastination?

1. Destroy the anxiety by breaking down task.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by task. Although it look excessive and boring, A simple task breakdown is always helpful.

2. Journal your anxiety.

Journal make it easier for you to reflect on your thought. But most importantly, writing down is good way to relieve your anxiety it like lifting the heavy rock out of your mind. In addition, you can

3. Learn to forgive yourself.

You have to promised me that even if the outcome isn’t what your expected, you will still be proud of progress you’ve made so far.

Establish a healthy relationship with your anxiety


Those who procrastinate have high levels of anxiety about the task, and they can relieve their anxiety by breaking the task into smaller pieces, journaling about their anxiety, and learning to accept and forgive their imperfection.

This article was inspired by Ted-Ed video, you can find it here.

Why you procrastinate even when it feels bad Ted-Ed Video

Thank you for reading.




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