Fans — 2016
2 min readSep 15, 2016


We’re fans, fans of crypto.

We believe that blockchain tech has unlimited potential and promise. That by utilising the connectivity of the internet in a new way, we can bring about a peer-to-peer transformation in our culture.

That requires a community. It needs people with ideas as well as the the motivation and skills to create products. But it also needs people who can recognise a good idea, users who will enthuse about a product and investors who can back projects. What it needs are fans.

The <> platform allows for what is called crowd-diligence. As the teams compete with each other they are also competing for the attention of the community and to be successful they need to attract fans. From the initial idea through to releasing a prototype each team’s work is transparent, allowing fans to easily see how teams are progressing and hence identify those with the most potential.

We’re using blockchain technology to create the platform as a virtual accelerator. Our goal is to connect people together; developers, entrepreneurs and fans, and remove the traditional barriers for them to be involved.

Yes, by casting their votes fans will help choose the overall prize winner for 2016. But where things really get interesting is that fans will be able to participate in a value token sale. If a fan feels that a team is up to something special they’ll be able to buy into what that team is doing and by means of smart contracts have a say in how the team’s funding is spent.

So if you’re a fan sign up at and join us for the launch of the virtual accelerator. It’s going to epic!

