Podmork HOD land on the Blockchain

3 min readNov 20, 2018


This is an experiment. One of the many that we at Hackatao like to put in place to stress the System. We have tokenised on SuperRare.co an animated GIF that also represents one of our Podmork HOD, so:

if you buy the token you will also receive the corresponding physical sculpture.

Podmork HOD Santa Muerte

It seems clear. At least for us who thought it out.
But digging deep, this operation reintroduces a problem of Trust that the blockchain, on digital works, had eliminated.

But let’s proceed by order and try to understand what a Podmork is.

The Podmork
The Podmork represent the fulcrum of our artistic research. Our art was born with them and with them it continues to expand in the world.

In a parallel world, Albert Einstein defined our creatures as follows:
The Podmork express the deepest emotion in the simplest way

Personally we like to think that the Podmorks are a Cosmic Breaking Force, a Primal Cry that doesn’t end in a lament but in Prophetic Light. Where the prophecy they carry is the Anti-Fear!

In physical form they are made of ceramics and are manically hand painted with acrylics, graphite and inks.

There are several Podmork series, that you can see here. Each series has a limited edition shape-wise, but in essence each Podmork is unique.

Podmork KU Dante — Cm. 42x31x23 | 2014

The Podmork we have chosen for this experiment is from the HOD series (whose meaning can be found in the Kabbalah, for those who love it) and specifically it is dedicated to the cult of Santa Muerte.

Death, as we know, sooner or later reaches everywhere, and this therefore seems to us a good omen, to overcome all the physical and digital limitations of this operation.
Joking aside, it’s a nice piece of Podmork and we hope you enjoy it too.

We come to the Token.
We have created an animated GIF that represents the physical sculpture of the Podmork HOD Santa Muerte. Below the Podmork Hod is the corresponding Token number (see photo). Once purchased, you can contact us, either by email (hackatao@hackatao.com), Telegram (@Hackatao), or Twitter (https://twitter.com/Hackatao) so we can verify that you are the real buyer using digital signature — we will give you detailed instructions.

The price.
We decided to attribute the price of 2.3 ETH, which represents the animated GIF, the Podmork HOD and also includes shipping costs. Nothing else is due. This is to simplify the transaction.

Once purchased we proceed to shipping.

The secondary market.
With digital works, the blockchain has solved the problem of trust, but if we put a real work in the field, the problem comes back in force.

In the sense that the collector who buys the Podmork may not behave correctly when he sells the Token, failing to consequently transfer the physical work.
Collectors are therefore invited to behave well; for now we can only throw a curse on those who will not do it waiting for future solutions.

This operation is also an incentive for the team of SuperRare.co or other platforms (Knownorigin.io, Portion.io) to find a solution to the need of us artists to link the token to physical work and to solve the problem of trust.

In case the Podmork HOD is resold not through SuperRare, but on the traditional market, the collector is requested to proceed with the transfer of the token to the new owner.

and now: HOD! HOD! HOD!

How to blockchain physical artwork by Theo Goodman
How Non-Fungible Tokens From Physical Collectibles Are Strengthening Asset-Backed Securities by Samantha Radocchia

