Syed Abdullah Bukhari
2 min readMay 3, 2024


CCTV: Telegram-Powered Location Tracking Transforms Surveillance

Imagine having the ability to track someone’s location in real-time simply through their Telegram usage. CCTV (Closed-Circuit Telegram Vision) is a groundbreaking open-source project that turns this concept into a reality. With its integration of the Telegram API and a focus on precise location monitoring, CCTV has the potential to redefine how we think about surveillance, both for logistical purposes and personal safety concerns.

How CCTV Works

  • Telegram as the Hub: CCTV leverages Telegram, the popular messaging app, as the core platform for location transmission.
  • API Integration: The project taps into the Telegram API, allowing it to extract and process location data shared by users within Telegram.
  • Accuracy: CCTV boasts the ability to track individuals within an impressive radius of 50–100 meters.
  • Open-Source Advantage: Since CCTV is open-source, developers can inspect, modify, and potentially enhance its capabilities.

Potential Use Cases (Benefits and Concerns)

  • Logistics: Businesses and organizations could use CCTV to track the movement of employees, assets, or vehicles, optimizing delivery routes and resource allocation.
  • Personal Safety: In some scenarios, CCTV could be used to monitor loved ones, particularly vulnerable individuals, for their safety and well-being.
  • Privacy Invasion: The most significant concern with CCTV is the potential for severe privacy violations. Unauthorized or unethical use could enable intrusive tracking of individuals without their knowledge or consent.
  • Transparency is Key: The ethical use of CCTV hinges on clear communication and consent from those being tracked.

Beyond the Technical: Ethical Implications

CCTV’s emergence highlights the increasing power of readily available technology to track our movements. As this project gains attention within the hacker and cybersecurity community, it’s crucial to have broader conversations about responsible use and privacy implications:

  • Regulation: Laws and regulations around location tracking and data privacy may need to evolve to address emerging technologies like CCTV.
  • Individual Responsibility: Developers and users of such tools must be mindful of ethical considerations.
  • Public Awareness: Increased awareness of the potential for intrusive surveillance made possible by seemingly innocuous apps is essential.

Hack By Abd: Your Cybersecurity Community

If CCTV and its implications pique your interest in hacking and cybersecurity, then you’re in the right place! Hack By Abd is a community where knowledge is shared, and discussions about ethical technology use are encouraged. Join us on Telegram (@hackbyabd_official) to connect with fellow cybersecurity enthusiasts and stay ahead of the curve.

Disclaimer: Hack By Abd promotes ethical hacking practices. We do not condone the use of tools like CCTV for privacy violations or illegal activities.

