What are the Different Types of Hackers ?

Hack Bytes
3 min readJan 5, 2023


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Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking hold a huge community of security professionals and different kind of hackers depending on their roles and responsibilities.

So let’s checkout what types of hackers are there:

Type of Hackers

The Types of Hackers:

So basically hackers are defined according to the way they perform their tasks. So a particular type of hacker will perform the task in that particular manner only. There are different types of hackers like:

  1. Black Hat Hackers:

The Bad Guys

They try to hack or break in the system in an unethical manner. Their main intension is to take an unauthorized access or steal the data and misuse it. They exploit the loopholes of the target without any authorized person’s permission.

2. White Hat Hackers:

The Good Guys

These are the exact opposite to Black Hat Hackers. They hack the target in an ethical manner. Their intension is to help the organization from the Black Hat Hackers by finding the loopholes in the target using all the required details of the target.

3. Grey Hat Hackers:

An Ethical Hacker

These type of hackers falls between Black and White Hat Hackers. They utilizes their skills in both good and bad manner, depends on them. They take the unauthorized access and find the loopholes. But generally they don’t misuse it or use this in a malicious way. They try to close these vulnerabilities.

4. The Red Team:

Penetration Testers

These type of hackers only try to penetrate through the system before the Black Hat Hackers do. They find out all the possible ways to penetrate through the loopholes and try to mitigate it.

5. The Blue Team:


This type of hackers prevents the company by defending from the Black Hat Hackers. They identify the possible attacks and prevent the company by taking necessary actions. They try to close all the possible risks to the company.

6. The Purple Team:

Cyber Security Professionals

After 2019, these type of team of Hackers were defined, who has the knowledge of both Red and Blue Teams. They use their skills for penetration testing and also to prevent the company by defending the Black Hat Hackers.

Along with these, some other type of hackers are also there which were defined according to the task they do. Some of these types are:

  1. Script Kiddies:

These are the individuals who use pre-defined scripts or tools to test the target. These are the hackers who have an average knowledge of cyber security and hacking. They are more likely to work on “try and error” method.

2. Crackers:

These type of hackers uses their hacking skills for making cracks of the paid software. They also make malicious software by cracking paid software and add some malicious codes in that.

3. Phreakers:

These type of hackers make experiments in telecommunication systems like mobile phones, and performs forwarding, bypassing, intercepting calls….and many such malicious things.

4. Suicide Hackers:

A type of hacker who can keep their life into risk for completing any type of cyber attacks are known as suicidal hackers. They try their best to accomplish any type of attacks. Thus their percentage of achieving the target is very high.

5. Hacktivists:

These type of hackers works for the fame. They try to gain attention of the social peoples or government with their computer or hacking skills. They takes part in any kind of protest, defacing of websites, data leakage, expose sensitive information and many such activities.

So similarly many different types of hackers are defined depending upon their knowledge and skills they uses.

Thank You So Much :)

Hack Bytes

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