Is Bitcoin a Good Investment? (2021)

Head Hackers Hub
7 min readNov 27, 2021


What’s up, it’s @hackedongrowth here, As the globe continued to fight the epidemic earlier this year, something unusual began to happen.

Bitcoin, the well-known cryptocurrency, began to appreciate in value. And the hype was the primary driver of demand.

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and other businesses, was substantially responsible for inflating Bitcoin’s price. His corporation has put more than a billion dollars into bitcoin. Something didn’t feel right, so I decided to look into it more.

I discovered that the world of cryptocurrencies today may be a terrible place, with fake demand driven by overinflated expectations.

I spoke with my close contacts in financial and digital circles, including economists, financial gurus, trustworthy investment fund managers, authors, and other specialists. I made the decision to share all of these chats with the rest of the globe.

I’d like to clarify any misconceptions about cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin and Dogecoin, and assist worldwide audiences to grasp what’s going on.

The term “cryptocurrency” has already made headlines. Some governments are considering banning them (many have already done so), while others are welcoming them with open arms.

What exactly does this imply, and how does it affect us? This, and a slew of other concerns, are now plaguing a sizable portion of the world’s population.

In recent years, I’ve met a number of extremely respectable experts — as well as some Ponzi scheme architects — all of whom have a rationale for what they do and propose.

We need information on where we’re going, where employees are going, where investments are going, and what function and importance money play in our lives as the globe (hopefully) emerges from a pandemic.

Although cryptocurrency is a volatile market that has experienced its fair share of collapses, the most recent Bitcoin fall demonstrated that not all crypto investors are ready to give up.

Furthermore, this apprehension may make it more difficult for crypto initiatives to raise funds and gain popularity.

Is this, however, a sign that there’s still time to become involved? Let’s review how we get here and what you should do next.

1. Is it wise to invest in cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency has been around for a long time and has grown in popularity in recent years.

If you’re considering investing in cryptocurrencies, there are a few things you should be aware of.

Ask yourself if you’re okay taking risks and being outside of the standard financial system before choosing whether or not investing is good for you.

Going to invest in a new currency may appear to be a simple way to gain money, but there’s a lot more at stake than your wallet.

The world’s most powerful and important corporations are putting their time, money, and resources into cryptocurrencies.

Amazon, for example, has started issuing its own tokens based on Ethereum’s blockchain technology as a means for users to spend bitcoin at checkout.

This might be just what we need in these difficult economic times when nearly every country is facing hyperinflation or deflation.

2. The current market downturn

The crypto market lost about $70 billion in value in only a few days after Elon Musk expressed worry about the environment and discontinued Tesla’s Bitcoin acceptance, and China resumed its regulatory assault on digital asset mining and holding.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were recently prohibited by China’s authorities. Given that China is home to 75% of all Bitcoin miners in the world, according to previous statistics, this has had a tremendous impact on the price of BTC.

Following China’s warnings about cryptocurrencies disturbing economic order and allowing illegal asset transfers, some major mining centers, notably Inner Mongolia, have retaliated by reducing electricity or shutting down operations entirely.

Bitcoin’s price has dropped 20% from its October peak the last month, according to the most recent cryptocurrency news.

There have been a lot of new entries into the crypto market during the last year of total hysteria, a lot of newbs to the scene who have no idea what they’re doing out there and think they can get rich overnight.

This selloff is just another example, and as you pointed out in that chart, the most recent selloff indicates that this is not a typical asset class.

3. How to React to a Market Downturn in Cryptocurrencies

The cryptocurrency market is now in a bear market, which has made things difficult for many investors. But how do you deal with it? It will be difficult to get wealthy if you are unable to effectively manage your possessions.

When you’re in a panic, the greatest thing you can do is not count your money in fiat currencies.

One BTC is equal to one BTC and will remain such, but keep in mind that one BTC is currently worth $50,000 to $55,000 dollars and might grow to $65,000 in the future, as it has in the past.

Investors should keep their cryptos and not become panicked.

Yes, even in a bad market, you may benefit. In a bear market, people utilize a variety of tactics to profit, including shorting, margin trading, and scalping.

4. What exactly is short selling?

Shorting is a tactic employed in both traditional and crypto investments.

Shorting involves borrowing coins from an exchange and selling them at current market value with the intention of purchasing more at a lower price later.

If prices fall as expected, your initial investment will be safeguarded since it will rise again shortly after.

On a portfolio basis, it can also operate as a hedge against other assets.

This means that even in downturn markets, investors are less likely to lose a considerable amount of money.

However, unskilled traders who don’t know what they’re doing may face some danger, so proceed with caution before making any hasty selections.

5. Selling and buying

Price gouging is a method of fast buying and selling cryptocurrencies in order to benefit from the difference between the bid and ask prices.

Price gouging is a strategy used by day traders who are ready to accept high risk in order to trade with small sums of money.

To maximize their gains while limiting risks, they often utilize technical analysis to identify when to join and exit trades based on price movements or volume fluctuations.

6. Engage in potential private and public auctions.

Every day, new coins and tokens are launched to cryptocurrency aficionados. Participating in private and public sales is a terrific opportunity to be an early adopter of these ground-breaking cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrencies are not just about financial gain. They are intended to become their own unit of value, unaffected by external factors like governments or banks.

Because cryptocurrencies are unregulated investments with fluctuating values, it’s critical to conduct due research on each one before investing. Investing in cryptocurrency has yielded big returns for many people.

However, if you don’t know what you’re doing, you might lose all of your money when trading these assets.

Many people want assistance when it comes to their hard-earned savings, 401k accounts, and other forms of income. If you listen to a famous CEO who may mislead you, you might find yourself in a lot of trouble.

Don’t get me wrong: I think it’s great. As a futurist, I like innovation and those who are transforming the world, but we must always ensure that the truth is presented.

As we go into an e-commerce-driven society, this will be extremely beneficial to small enterprises, and digital currencies may play a significant role in the future.

The one thing you must understand about cryptocurrency trading is that you need to invest money that you are not prepared to lose.

However, if done properly, it can be an extremely lucrative venture. And, of course, there are many investors who have made millions from the success of cryptocurrency investment opportunities.

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