Error 404 Not Found | Behind The Scene Scenario

Hackers League
3 min readApr 11, 2019


Today the topic of our discussion is Error 404:

The term “Error 404 Not Found” everyone can face this problem one time in their life. But can you ever imagine what is the meaning of this error and why we face this error when we surf the web??? So, today i reveal the behind the scene scenario of these questions.

•: Error 404 Not Found

As it’s name “Error 404 Not Found” which means the file or page etc you can search or navigate is not available on that place (i.e which you enter or clicked). The main causes of this problems are:

  • Broken Links, which means the particular file or page etc you can found is not longer available on that address. The owner of the website can shift or delete that file or page etc on that address. This may cause the “Error 404" situation. The broken links are also called dead links.
  • Server Not Respond, which means the connection between your computer and the server of the website are not established correctly. So, this may also cause “Error 404" Problem.
  • Human Error, which means the user who want to visit the website or open any particular file/page etc can write the address of that particular website, file or page etc incorrect. So, this may also cause “Error 404" problem and most times this error may occur due to this cause.

Now the question raised in your mind, How we fix that “Error 404" problem???

So, don’t worry i can also answer this question and help you to fix this problem.

•: Error 404 Fixes

In those following ways you can fix this “Error 404" problem:

  • Clear Browser Cache, if your mobile phone browser shows “Error 404" and your tablet or computer browser cannot show this error. So, clear the cache of your browser because most of the time when you open those website incorrectly. So, your browser can save that page in their cache memory and when you want to open that website again. So, it can show you that page which are stored in cache memory.
  • Change DNS Server, if the entire website shows “Error 404" on your mobile phone, tablet or computer etc browser but when you surf that website on your friends devices. So, that website don’t give “Error 404". So, change the “DNS Server” of your network by going into your network router settings. Because most of the times your ISP can block that website on your network due to some government issues.
  • Contact the Owner, if all of these techniques failed. So, contact with the owner of the website and asked him/her about that problem. If he/she can removed that file or page etc. So, he/she can tell you and solved your problem.

•: My Opinion

My opinion on this topic is i choose this topic today because most of the people don’t know about the behind the scene scenario of this error and they don’t know how to solved this problem. I hope this article is very helpful for them.

•: Ending

I hope after reading this article you can know about “Error 404 Not Found”. This is my opinion about this topic. If i can take any mistake please comment me and i am waiting for your response.

Thank You.

