IP Address | IPv4 and IPv6 | Explained

Hackers League
2 min readDec 5, 2018


Today we can discuss about IP address and I can also tell you about IPv4 and IPv6:

Everyone who are living in this world has it’s own unique identity. The unique identity maybe his/her home address or maybe his/her ID card number. But can you ever think what is your identity on the internet??? So, don’t worry today i can answer this question in more simple words.

IP Address:

IP address stands for Internet Protocol Address. It can provide your identity on the internet. It’s also enable the devices to communicate with each other on IP Based Networks like internet. The example of IP address is (231.23.764.123). The working process of this technology is very simple. When any device is connected to the internet. A unique numerical identity is assigned to it. When two devices wanted to share the information. The data are firstly converted into packets and then transferred to the destination device containing IP address of both devices.

Version Of IP ADDRESS:

There are two versions of IP address which are introduced now a days. The first one is IPv4 and the second one is IPv6.

  • IPv4: IPv4 stands for Internet Protocol Version 4. It is a technology that allows the devices to communicate with each other. IPv4 is popular now a days and many devices are used this type of technology. The IPv4 address size is 32 bit. The example of IPv4 is (
  • IPv6: IPv6 stands for Internet Protocol Version 6. It is more advanced then IPv4 but it’s working is same like IPv4. It’s enable more devices to communicate with each other. The IPv6 address size is 128 bit. The example of IPv6 is (3FFE:F200:0234::48).

My Opinion:

My opinion on this topic is without IP address the device could not able to communicate with each other. So, that is why this piece of technology plays an important role in the field of computer networking.

I hope after reading this article you can know about IP address, IPv4 and IPv6. This is my opinion about this topic. If I can take any mistake please comment me and I am waiting for your response.

Thank You.

