Red Rooms on Dark Web | Explained

Hackers League
2 min readNov 4, 2018


Today we can discuss about the secret of Red Rooms on Dark Web:

We know that internet is full of information. We can surf millions of websites everyday. But If I can tell you there are many websites on the internet in which human parts are cut out. So, I think you don’t believe on me. But it is true. We know that web is divided into three parts. Surface web, Deep web and Dark web. If you don’t know about them. So, don’t worry check out my article first and then continue your reading process.

Link: What is Surface Web, Deep Web and Dark Web?

Red Rooms:

Red Rooms are the websites or forums that are available on the dark web in which the human parts are cut out instead of money. The transaction of money on these websites are through Bitcoins. So, no one can track their transaction process. The normal users did not access these websites due to two reasons:

  • First reason is only those users can access these websites who have knowledge of them. It means that they know about the link of these websites and they also know how to surf the dark web.
  • Second reason is the owners of these websites only take link to those people who are trusted because these websites are illegal and they don’t take any risk.

The people who can run these types of websites can kidnapped the people and then cut out their parts on live stream. The people who can see this live stream can take money to the owner of the website to cut out the different parts of the victim body. Theses things are totally illegal and these types of people are mentally sick. Most of these types of websites are banned by Cyber Police. The people also take membership fee to access these Red Rooms.

My Opinion:

My opinion on this topic is stay away from these types of websites because it is totally illegal and you can also trap in some serious problem. My purpose of writing this article is only for educated people about these scary things.

I hope after reading this article you can know about Red Rooms on Dark Web. This is my opinion about this topic. If I can take any mistake please comment me and I am waiting for your response.

Thank You.

