USSD Codes | Explained

Hackers League
2 min readJan 28, 2019


Today the topic of our discussion is USSD Codes:

We all used two or more SIM cards in our mobile phones and call or text others with the help of these SIM cards. We also recharge these SIM cards and type different of codes (i.e *123#) to check the current balance and for subscribe different packages. But do you ever think.

What is the purpose of these codes?

So, today i answer this complicated question.

•: USSD Codes

USSD stands for Unstructured Supplementary Service Data. It is a communication protocol which is used by GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) cellular telephone to communicate with other mobile phones network operator’s systems. USSD codes are also called Quick Codes or Feature Codes. These USSD codes are used to do different things like check the current balance, prepaid callback services, subscribe or unsubscribe different packages and to find different locations etc. The USSD codes are consist of 182 alphanumeric characters. It means this is a short message service. Now the question raised in your mind.

How this service work?

The answer of this question is, when a user type USSD code on his/her phone and send it to his/her phone network operator. This USSD code is received by the network operator computer. The network operator computer work according to the given instruction and send back the message in a specific format that can easily be seen or read on the user mobile display. So, at the end of this whole scenario the user request service is being activated on his/her phone.

•: My Opinion

My opinion on this topic is USSD codes are all of time my favorite service. By using this service i easily subscribe or unsubscribe any package without hearing the whole talk of the network operator computer.

•: Ending

I hope after reading this article you can know about USSD codes. This is my opinion about this topic. If i can take any mistake please comment me and i am waiting for your response.

Thank You.

