What is Server and Client Computer?

Hackers League
3 min readApr 12, 2018

First of all we can discuss about what is server computer:

A server is a computer in the network which can provide services to other computers. A server can provide services like share resources, provide storage to other computers, control network traffic etc. Server computer is the most powerful computer in the network. All the websites and videos etc which are online can be stored on the server.


If you can watch a gaming video on the YouTube. The video is stored on the YouTube server database. In more simple words a YouTuber make a video and upload it on the YouTube. The video is stored on the YouTube server and if the user see that video it can send request to the YouTube server and if the server accept request then the user can watch the video.

Another example is that if you can make a website. You can take a server as a rent which is called web hosting. Your website is also stored on the server.

Dedicated Server:

Some servers are called dedicated server because they can perform specific task. Such as a file server can store data, a print server can perform printing activities like print documents etc

You can also make a local server by making a small program which can store all of your data into any storage devices like hard disk etc and then connect this storage device to all devices. When anyone in your house can saved data it can store in that storage device.

But the big server are consist of high quality processors, hard disks etc because they can store big amount of data and performing big amount of processing etc.

Now we can discuss about what is client computer:

A client is a computer in the network which can request a server computer for resources.

For Example:

If a client computer want to print a document. It can send a request to the server computer for printing a document. Then the server computer accept the request of the client computer and print the document.

The advantage of server computer is that the speed of the network is very fast because all the processing can be done by server computer. But the big disadvantage is that if the server goes down all the network is goes down. The heavy client computers is not required in this type of network because the server computer is more powerful.

I hope after reading this article you can know about what is server and client computer. This is my opinion about this topic. If I can take any mistake please comment me and I am also waiting for your response.

Thank You.

